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The 29th Letter

Written On: 5-25-98

Greetings noble and honored citizens of the CDC Empire. *S* There is little to say this week, save that Jonathan Windance hath reclaimed the throne of the Mutiny Alliance, The Wolfpack led by Ghaleon is entering into a temporary alliance to face the possible danger of invasion by maddox, rumors of war continue to run rife throughout the east, and the Empire continues to gain strength.

The Manifesto Alliance hath split off from the Mutiny Alliance and art now an independent and neutral group. And Immaculota and Lady Bliss hath ben captured. Needless to say I am royally ticked off o'er that. And am going to order a hunt on the heads of their captors.

The homepage url hath changed, so update any links to it yea may have. tis now

Finally, the Chatalot colony is being relocated, Sir Thunder hath been given the duty of selecting a new site for the Empire to expand into. I await his report by tomorrow, and next monday a new report giving details about it wilt be distributed. Those of chatalot, yea may remain there as colonists, I wilt not order thy removal.

Fair fortune all, I look forward to speaking with thee again.

ICQ uin: 4575673 & 6934394


King Archos
