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The 17th Letter

Written On: 3-1-98

Greetings again friends and citizens of the Crystal Dragons Clan, there is much news to speak unto yea. The Crystal Dragons Clan now has its own room in the Chathouse! It is not yet completed yet, but it is up and running. *S*

second, I am going to impliment some reforms o'er the next week or so. here is the link to the two new parts of the clan, and their purpose. i wilt appoint some few of yea to those positions within it. Censorate; CENSORATE Ministries page MINISTRIES

Third, a council hath been formed, dedicated to the elimination of individuals that wouldst dare to slay those that cannot hope to defend themselves. Tis made up of the some of the most powerful clans in the east wing, more may join in the future. Should any of yea learn of vicous crimes, have the victims contact this address.

p.s. look up cold fire if yea had him. his list got lost. if yea don't have me on icq. my uins are 4575673 & 6934394


King Archos
