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The 18th Letter

Written on: 3-9-98

Not o'er much news today. Chaos hath given up his position as first guardian and given the title to james matthew. good fortune my son. Thunder hath become the provintial governor of the chatalot colony. further, there art two be two new laws added.

When visiting other chatrooms and other forums, conduct thyself in such a manner so as to be an impeccable representative of the CDC. Without fault, honor the room's Code of Conduct (ie: the FAQ's of the room ... iif the room is built upon 'peace' be peaceful, etc.). Hold the room's government, officers, elders in high esteem. Honor them and their wishes.

Do not actively seek to solicit new Clan members. If someone asks about the CDC,then and only then (and in PM if so requested by a room's regular representative or elder), answer them all the information they require. Share the HomePage link as a reference so they might learn of the History and the Code of the Clan. Make sure that the person is honorable and of sincere character before requesting that they be inducted into the Clan.

The reason for the passage of these two laws is that i recieved reports that some of yea were not being respectful to the laws of other lands. The Censorate page hath been completed, etc. Feel free to go o'er them, and contact lee lin fu for information on becomeing part of the new organization.

Good fortune mine people. *S*


King Archos
