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The 19th Letter

Written on: 3-17-98

Good day citizens of the Crystal Dragons Clan, i hath little time today, so i wilt be as brief as i may. first off, the colony in chatalot is to be relocated to WBS temporarily. Our room there got deleted and i must decide whether or not to stay there, or move it to another chat system.

Second, those of yea in wbs, or that go there, which i encourage yea to do, be on thy guard. go nowhere without weapons. For there is war brewing there, and though the wars there be not on the magnitude of battles fought in the chathouse why risk it? Defend the Shadow Clan, tis not the one from the chathouse, tis another ally. And what o'er the Valley of the Lunar Rainbow. They're possible allies.

Third, i'm going to put the powers of the amulets that each of yea recieved, on my page so that yea do not forget them as oft times doth happen. I wilt let yea know when tis completed. Mine appolagies for sending this a day late. *sigh* i had not the time yesterday to write it. Good fortune unto yea. *S*


King Archos Zyan Godslayer
