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The 20th Letter

Written On: 3-23-98

Greetings unto yea Citizens of the Clan. *S* I have some announcements to make. first, the powers of our magi/spells, have been increased 5 FOLD! The blessing of Wayrath is given unto us, as we hath been deemed sufficient to warrent favor from the source of all magic. This is indeed a historical moment. Further, in return for this honor, we wilt defend the tower now and in the future.

Second, due to popular request, i'm going to rescind my order for the relocation of the chatalot colony to wbs. It wilt remain where tis. However, since my daughter hath decided to remain in chatalot, there is an opening for the leadership of the WBS colony.

Third, a new order of mages art to be founded in wbs under Archmagus Laster. And lastly, i am sorry to report, that due to rl circumstances, i am well behind in some of the things i have been planning, as well as in updating my homepage. *sigh* please bear with me for about a week. if anybody gained a new position or asked me to send anything out or anything like that, then please remind me so i can make the change or addition.
