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The 21st Letter

Written on: 3-31-98

First off you have my appolagies for the lateness of this letter. I've been having to deal with some rl inconveniences, and so i'm a bit behind. I don't know how long it will be like this, so please just bear with me for a while. Now, i'm almost finished with the link describing the various powers of your amulets, but not quite. when i am, i wilt post the link to thee.

Next, I'm sure all of thee have heard of the problem between Camelot and Eden. stay OUT of it. Neutrality is the position of the CDC. Further, be prepared for conflict in WBS, there are some new clans arising, and they seem to be turning towards conquest as their goal. We may have to nip them in the bud before it causes greater problems in the long term. And lastly, Lordon has petitioned and recieved the leadership of the WBS colony.

Thank yea friends and citizens, faretheewell.


King Archos Zyan Godslayer
