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The 12th Letter

Written on: 1-19-98

Greetings unto yea, honored members of the Crystal Dragons Clan, or, the CDC. There is much to tell yea and little time to do it in, so i will be as brief as i can. yea know how i LOVE to hear my own voice. *LOL* First, my wife has given birth to a baby girl. Reulan Tiene. *S* i know yea share my joy at this. To boot, my daughter, Alesse, has given birth to a baby boy. *S* two wonderful events in the same day. Additionally, 3 Knights have been selected to go under the conscr iption of Lady Camille. other clans art also contributing to this force, making it the FIRST interclan army in the history of the Chathouse to my knowledge. It is an honor to spearhead this movement of the Largest of nations and clans to take a stand gainst the terror brought on by a few individuals. Moreover, a little something has been offered to Queen Sati and all of Camelot from myself. Total duel citizenship. The Camelotian Order, made up of members of Camelot. *S* If the Queen approves, twill begin immediately, and the Camelotians will have all the rights and privilages within our clan that they have in Camelot. *S*

alright, now for the bad news. its not much, but tis news none the less. I have heard rumors, rumors that the Ship Sabbat are laying claim to the Tirian Plains, indeed, all of the Amazon Rainforest. the armory is open. take the weapons and armor that yea need. we wilt defend our homes house by house if needs be. the ship sabbat lag behind in numbers and training, so that if this turns out to be true, and they DO attempt to take our homes in the Amazon Rainforest, we'll be ready and able to defeat them.

And lastly, Quinn hast threatened the life of our Queen, Lady Love. You can imagine how bothered i am to have my wife threatened. However, tis for me to respond. i wilt take care of this. be well friends.

The Armory*N/A*


King Archos
