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The Council Page

The Council is a grouping of the largest clans in the East Wing. We first gathered together in January of 1998 to deal with an outbreak of viscious crimes gainst women and children that at the time had not been trained to defend themselves. The purpose of this Council is to end, and then to prevent such problems. No one person rules the Council, or even heads it. We all are equal partners within it and contribuete equally to its forces and needs.

The Rules for entry into the Council's ranks

The Clan that wishes to enter the ranks of the Council must have one of the current members as a sponser

The Clan that wishes to enter the ranks of the Council, must have 25 members.(A 1 or 2 member leway is acceptable)

The Clan that wishes to enter the ranks of the Council, must have gained the vote of 2/3 of the Council members.

The chosen representative must have icq.

Requirements AFTER entry

A minimum of 3 Knights must be sent to the recruitment pool of the Councils InterClan Army, which can be called away at any time by the leader of the Council's forces

The ambassador or leader that wishes to speak with the council must, as stated before, have icq.

The Council is an open forum. Make sure yea send thy words to all members of the council, present or not.

The current member nations of the Council

The Crystal Dragons Clan~Active Member uin:4575673

The Clan of Eden~Active Member uin:6415545

The ShadowClan~Active Member uin:1964450

The Nation of Camelot~Active Member uin:3812050

The Two Moons Tribe~Active Member uin:2434148

The Mutiny Alliance~Active Member uin:4572895

The Kingdom of Leonesse~Active Member uin:1378519

Lady Camille~Leader of the InterClan Armies uin:4443558

Contact Lady Camille to report problems---> her e-mail
