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The 13th Letter

Written on: 1-26-98

Greetings noble citizens and friends of the Crystal Dragons Clan!

There is not a great deal of news to speak today. But what there is, is great in its importance. A Council has been formed. The Council is to be made up of the most powerful, largest, and influential Clans, Nations, Kingdoms, and Tribes. Currently it holds 7 such member Clans. note: I use the word "Clans" as a general term to encompas nations, kingdoms, tribes etc. The Council is, in Vedaphenix's terms "My Brainchyld" *L* howerr, this council doth have no head nor ruler to command it. There, the mighty Clans art equals. The purpose of this Council, is to deal with the more vicious crimes which i shudder to e'en name. This creation of this Council is indeed a historic and unprecedented event in either our history or the history of the wing to my knowledge. The Council is not just a group of leaders discussing issues or exchanging information, tis also to have its own InterClan army. Each member Nation contributes 3 Knights to the leader of the force, currently Lady Camille. Secondly, here is a general order:

stay out of camelot affairs. i hath heard ill tidings of late, and wish to explore the situation further myself afore doing anything.

Additionally, I am seeking a volunteer. Someone to build a colony at Dragondale City in WBS. ONLY 3 colonists may go. Those 3 art to select their leader and begin recruiting there immediately. Come to me for any diplomatic dealings with others. One of those three must give up any titles or positions he holds in the Chathouse to take up the mantle of the Provintial Governor. The other two art to obey him, and all 3 wouldst still be under my command. I wilt pay visits there as often as is possible. Contact me for the details.

Next, one of our protectorates, the Stormreaver Clan, hast grown sufficiently to petition for full independence and twill likely request alliance status. Both wilt be accepted and they wilt be welcomed into the wing as equals. Let us wish them well as one. *S* A new clan has also become a protectorate. The Phoenix Clan, devestated by war, is to weak alone now. So they came to me and did request protectorate Status, it has been accepted. I wilt Decide on whom wilt ward it by this afternoon.

Finally, I am going to contact the various leaders of each Order with the commands for yea all today. so contact them if yea can. I shouldst have them to them by 2 p.m. est.

Total Census of Citizens of the CDC: 84 w/3 or 4 waiting.

ooc: if anyone has Fiora Draguarbane's e-mail addy, give it to me please, forgot to put it on the roster. don't know if i put it on the mailing list.

Be well mine friends. *S*


King Archos
