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The 14th Letter

Written on: 2-2-98

Greetings once more friends and comrads in arms. This is a good day for many of us I am glad to say. *S* A colony is to be founded in WBS under the leadership of my daughter, Allesse, and my son in law, Eron. one of them wilt rule as the Provintial Governor, and one of yea may go with them. or more if yea do so desire it. The colony is to be founded in Dragondale city. I hath a friend there that wilt assist yea if she mayest. The Armory hath under gone some changes, and there is a link to it on the roster. take a look at it, i am adding diff weapons for each order. strength in diversity.

Additionally, I am planning on instituting some slight changes, starting next monday, or perhaps the monday after, depends on how long it takes me to figure out the details, there wilt be a waiting period for entry. I know not how long, still deciding on that.

Lordon is petitioning for an increase in rank, what position he wilt attain if he qualifies, that is to be determined. Those of yea that do not know how to increase thy rank, go to the clan letters and look at the 3rd one i believe. A general order to all of yea, protect the lady, Cynthia Nightingale.

And lastly, i trust that yea art all recieving mine commands from thy leaders in a timely fashion? they generally get sent out one day after the letter.

For now mine friends, that is all, faretheewell.


King Archos
