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The 15th Letter

Written On: 2-15-98

Good da to yea honored citizens and brothers and sisters in arms. Today is the day. A fleet of 10 ships is to set sail at noon eastern standard time for WBS those of yea that wish to go, i wilt explain the registration process etc right now.


Steps to registration

1. Go to

2. If you're not registered, click on "First time to WBS button, it is on the left hand panel.

3. Choose a handle and password and type them in the box.

4. Enter the rest of the information, the optional info too if you want but it isn't required so i didn't waste time on it.

5. Click on the button that says you've read the disclaimer and want to join WBS obviously. *L*

6. Now you will note they say they've sent you an e-mail, sometimes this takes a while. Took me an entire day to get it in my case. But it could take just a few minutes. Lets go check our e-mail. *S*

7. I got mine instantly. Now, you can either just reply to it with no change to the subject etc. But i prefer to just click on the link to the validation page and enter the info they told u to in the e-mail, and click the button and you're registered.

Simple isn't it? Except for the last step thats about what we did to register with the chathouse.

Now to Chat! I know some of you have had problems finding the chatrooms, but it isn't as hard as it looks. here it is step by step. *S*

Steps to the RPG CHATROOMS

1. Go to and click on the chat option.

2. Click on Role Playing Games link.

3. Just for the hell of it, click on Roland's Cavern.

4. Select No Frames Chat from the pulldown menu, or frames or streaming if you like, but i prefer no frames. Then click on the picture beside the pulldown menu. That is actually the link to the room.

5. Enter your handle and password and click log in.

6. Start Chating. the rest is obvious, type what u want in the box to send it type the name of the person u want to pm in the private to box, the rest of the stuff is optional. have fun. *S*

IC: In the 10 ships the following cargo wilt be loaded:

Cargo Manifest

40 suits Jade Dragon Armor

40 miscelanious blades

20 Rings

10 Spheres

Trade goods i.e. carvings, ornaments, etc.

Raw materials, enough to construct a castle and moderate sized town.

Gold, and other precious metals, use to hire men and women to construct the settlement or for other needed services.

Grain, and other sustenance, a shipment ofcattle and sheep etc. wilt follow

Seeds for future planting etc. And further trade goods wilt arrive weekly to provide a solid economic base and peaceful trade.

Any personal affects yea wish to take with yea or believe yea may need. The manifest is flexible, an additional 2 ships wilt be provided if needs be, i suppose we couldst just have yea transported there en masse along with all yea need, but why frighten the mass of mortals living there?

Here art the basic rules for WBS:

You attack, and wait for thy foe to respond. he or she decides the outcome of it, i know that seems strange to many of yea, but it seems to work well since all there go by that method.

That's basically it, follow that and yea wilt do fine.

Anyone that wishes to go to WBS, may of course, do so, however, yea canna belong to the order's there as well as here just because tis in another system. Just thought i wouldst point that out. Yea may begin recruiting there immediately, however, after midnight tomorrow, there wilt be a 3 day waiting period to join an order based in the Chathouse, this waiting period wilt not apply to the colonies until they reach more than 40 citizens in number. I myself wilt be visiting the colonies o'er the next week.

If yea wish to transfer from thy order in the Chathouse to one of the orders in the colonies, contact me, and then contact the Provintial Governor of the colony.

WBS Provintial Governor: Allessandra (check the roster for her e-mail addy.)

Chatalot Provintial Governor: Kitasha (check the roster for her e-mail addy.)

And lastly, Those of yea that lead an order, i expect yea to send a letter to those under thy command at least once every 2 weeks. if yea do not know an address of one under thy comman, that canna be helped, but the rest of the time, i expect it to be done. If it wilt not be possible for some reason or another now and then, that is alright, but those of yea that habitually do not do such a simple duty, wilt lose thy command to someone that can. I say this because it hath been brought to mine attention that some of yea hath not been doing so. I expect this to change.

Faretheewell all.


King Archos~CDC~Regent of Camelot
