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Magic Book Continued

This page wilt be password protected afore long. when i begin adding more to it. for now, tis only created.


Dispel: Cancels out effects of spell or curse. source: AD&D

Knock: Opens magically closed doors. source: AD&D

Waterfall1: Brings down the force of a small waterfall upon the foe, blinding them temporarily(4 turns) and causing 3D6 damage, no saving throw. source: created

note: Won't work more than 3 feet under water

Waterfall2: Brings down the force of a large waterfall of holy water down upon the foe, causing 5D12 damage, temporary blindness(6 turns), no saving throw and does an additional 1D12 damage for creatures of darkness or evil

source: created

note: Wont work more than 12 feet under water


Firebolt: sends a small fireball at the target clicked on. Does not do splash damage, but costs very little mana. Higher levels i > >
> >
Charged Bolt: sends numerous small squares of lightning cursing across the floor. Each bolt moves randomly, but in the direction targeted. Higher levels of the

Holy Bolt: sends a single blessed bolt towards the target. Only affects undead creatures, but does more damage to make up for its selectivity. Very high levels

Healing: restores life. Higher levels of the spell cost less and restore more life. For sorcerers, this spell has a signifigantly greater effect than healing p > >
> >
. > > Heal Other: heals another player, or a creature if you want to. Higher levels of the spell cost less to cast and restore more life. Useful for keeping your tan > >
> >
> > Inferno: sends a small gout of flame towards the target. The flame burns the three squares in that direction, each burst causing its own splash damage as well. > > Level 2 Spells > >
> >
> > spell description > >
> >
> > Fire Wall: Creates a standing wall of flame. Higher levels of the spell cause more damage and last longer. Very high level flame walls can remain for two minut > >
> >
> > Telekenesis: Pushes creatures back, opens doors, grabs items, and pulls levers--from afar. Great for recovering lost equipment, or when you don't want to wade > >
> >
> > Lightning: Sends out a single directed fork of lightning, which will hit target after target until it runs into a wall. Higher levels of the spell cost less to > >
> >
> > Flash: Sends out a highly-charged, short-range "Nova" attack. Only affects creatures standing right next to you. Most useful when you are being swamped by a ho > >
> >
> > Stone Curse: Turns a creature into a statue. Apparently, no creature has resistance to this spell, so it works on everyone. Great for keeping nasty creatures f > >

Level 3 Spells

spell description

Phasing: Moves you a short distance ahead in the direction you are facing (the opposite direction, maybe?) when you cast the spell. Can be used to blink across

Mana Shield: while the Mana shield is active, hits against your character will drain Mana instead of Life. A gold ball will float over your head indicating tha

Elemental: send a Fire Elemental like a guided missile against your foes. The elemental spell does damage like a Fireball, but the attack is self-guided and so

Fireball: send a ball of fire at your target. The fireball spell is like the firebolt spell, but does more damage and also causes "splash damage," that is, it

Flame Wave: Sends a moving wall of fire in the direction clicked. Kind of like the FireWall spell, but the wall moves (fairly quickly) and ends when it hits a

Chain Lightning: sends out individual strands of lightning to all creatures within a certain radius. If other players are between you and the creatures, it's t

Guardian: Summons a three-headed serpent at the target square. The serpent fires firebolt at nearby enemies, so long as the spell lasts. Higher levels of the s

Infravision: Scrolls of this spell allow the caster to see creatures behind walls, on the other side of closed doors, and at the edge of your vision. Great for

Level 4 Spells

spell description

Golem: summons an earth elemental to go pound on things for you. Higher levels of the spell allows the golem to last longer and do more damage. This spell is g

Teleport: transports the caster to any destination clicked on (on the screen only). Ignores doors, gates, walls, and any other obstruction between you and your

Apocalypse: A target fire eruption attacks every creature within striking distance. Higher levels of the spell will target more creatures in a wider radius (si Bone Spirit: steals 1/3 of the target's hit points, adding them to your own hit point pool. After training a target for a while, returns diminish, making other

Blood Star: simple damage spell which, like Bone Spirit, costs health (hp) to cast. This is what some of the succubi cast. Resisted by Resist Magic. --------------------------------------------------------------- here they are. Take well care of them *L* Html is already on them. Firebolt: sends a small fireball at the target clicked on. Does not do splash damage, but costs very little mana. Higher levels in the spell do more damage, costs less, can be cast more quickly, and travel faster.

Charged Bolt: sends numerous small squares of lightning cursing across the floor. Each bolt moves randomly, but in the direction targeted. Higher levels of the spell send more bolts, costs less, and does more damage.

Holy Bolt: sends a single blessed bolt towards the target. Only affects undead creatures, but does more damage to make up for its selectivity. Very high levels of the spell are less effective than firebolt, though. Note that Holy Bolt will fly straight through creatures that aren't undead--as well as other players. .

Healing: restores life. Higher levels of the spell cost less and restore more life. For sorcerers, this spell has a signifigantly greater effect than healing potions.

. Heal Other: heals another player, or a creature if you want to. Higher levels of the spell cost less to cast and restore more life. Useful for keeping your tank alive while he fights off the bad guys.

Inferno: sends a small gout of flame towards the target. The flame burns the three squares in that direction, each burst causing its own splash damage as well. This is what Slayers "cast." Since it is a relatively expensive spell to cast, it is best used when the enemies are thick, and in line--for example, if through a doorway. Level 2 Spells

spell description

Fire Wall: Creates a standing wall of flame. Higher levels of the spell cause more damage and last longer. Very high level flame walls can remain for two minutes or more. Experience is earned for killing creatures with fire wall, although the spell is often most useful against the lower-level creatures for which you get no experience. The spell is good for killing creatures in an attempt to get your stuff back after dying in a multi-player game: head back down to the dungeon with nothing equipped, cast Fire Wall a few times, die, and wait for them to die, too.

Telekenesis: Pushes creatures back, opens doors, grabs items, and pulls levers--from afar. Great for recovering lost equipment, or when you don't want to wade into a herd of creatures to get to an item.

Lightning: Sends out a single directed fork of lightning, which will hit target after target until it runs into a wall. Higher levels of the spell cost less to cast, although damage does not increase. Great for attacking enemies that are bunched in a group, or immune to fire.
br> Flash: Sends out a highly-charged, short-range "Nova" attack. Only affects creatures standing right next to you. Most useful when you are being swamped by a horde of creatures, and need to kill them off quickly. Hence, Warriors get the most use of this spell, especially as a spell hotkey and a pack (not belt!) with several scrolls.

Stone Curse: Turns a creature into a statue. Apparently, no creature has resistance to this spell, so it works on everyone. Great for keeping nasty creatures from harassing you while you fight off minions, kill the stone cursed creature, steal treasure, or retrieve your lost items. Higher levels of the spell last longer.

Level 3 Spells

spell description

Phasing: Moves you a short distance ahead in the direction you are facing (the opposite direction, maybe?) when you cast the spell. Can be used to blink across walls, which is handy when the stairs up and the stairs down are in rooms separated by a thin wall, but the walking path leads completely around the level.

Mana Shield: while the Mana shield is active, hits against your character will drain Mana instead of Life. A gold ball will float over your head indicating that the spell is active. For each level of the spell, one point is taken off of successful attacks (so having Level 10 Mana Shield is like having an item that gives "-10 Damage From Enemies." Once your Mana is completely drained, the spell ends and attacks take off points of life as normal. Stock up on potions of full mana! Like all spells, anyone can read a scroll and anyone can cast the spell

Elemental: send a Fire Elemental like a guided missile against your foes. The elemental spell does damage like a Fireball, but the attack is self-guided and so will not miss.

Fireball: send a ball of fire at your target. The fireball spell is like the firebolt spell, but does more damage and also causes "splash damage," that is, it damages creatures (and players) standing next to the target as well. Higher levels of the spell cause more damage and reduce the casting cost.

Flame Wave: Sends a moving wall of fire in the direction clicked. Kind of like the FireWall spell, but the wall moves (fairly quickly) and ends when it hits a wall. Higher levels of the spell send a wider wave. The spell actually creates little, moving squares of fire--one on each tile. The squares move in unision, and an iindividual square will "die" as soon as it hits an obstacle, like a wall or spike.

Chain Lightning: sends out individual strands of lightning to all creatures within a certain radius. If other players are between you and the creatures, it's their bad luck. Higher levels of the spell do more damage and will be drawn to creatures within an increasing radius.

Guardian: Summons a three-headed serpent at the target square. The serpent fires firebolt at nearby enemies, so long as the spell lasts. Higher levels of the spell last longer. Experience is earned for creatures killed with this spell, as if you killed them yourself.

Infravision: Scrolls of this spell allow the caster to see creatures behind walls, on the other side of closed doors, and at the edge of your vision. Great for deciding where and what to cast, and how to approach an area of the dungeon when you are in tough territory.

Level 4 Spells

spell description

Golem: summons an earth elemental to go pound on things for you. Higher levels of the spell allows the golem to last longer and do more damage. This spell is great for harassing succubi and some other missile-wielding creatures, since they can't figure out that they should be attackign the elemental. This spell is also great for distracting creatures so that you can make your escape or attack back relatively unmolested. Experience is earned for killing creatures with this spell.

Teleport: transports the caster to any destination clicked on (on the screen only). Ignores doors, gates, walls, and any other obstruction between you and your target. Great for moving around big, winding levels quickly.

Apocalypse: A target fire eruption attacks every creature within striking distance. Higher levels of the spell will target more creatures in a wider radius (similar to the Chain Lightning spell). Book not available in the release version. Bone Spirit: steals 1/3 of the target's hit points, adding them to your own hit point pool. After training a target for a while, returns diminish, making other spell usage wise. Costs health to cast, which is not recovered unless the spell strikes. This spell is "Magic," which means that it will fail agaisnt creatures with an immunity to magic. (The bone spirit will fly out, but go right through them, headed onto the next visible target.)

Blood Star: simple damage spell which, like Bone Spirit, costs health (hp) to cast. This is what some of the succubi cast. Resisted by Resist Magic.

These are given by Sepharius



Ice Shards: shoots millions of Ice Crystals at an opponent Heat Wave: a wall of flame Crystal Catasrophe: rains thousands of crystals, embedding into the skin, sending silver or electrical curretns through the opponent, depending on what they are. Whispers of Waterfalls: Gallons of water crash upon the opponent Star Storm: rains sharp shimmering stars Galaxy Geyser: a vortex is created pulling the opponent into oblivionism inside a realm made by Sepharius Planet Disruption: shakes the ground, causing the opponent to fall Molecule Masquerade: makes the oppenent delusional Moonlight Mayhem: Beams of Cresent rain down and slash the opponent Silver Sensation: wave of silver poured upon the opponent Nuclear Negativity: flashes of nuclear explosion enter the opponent's body, making him feel like his insides are splitting in two Covers of Cloud: Merely a defense attack, it allows you to slip away from the enemy, and the opponent is lost in a fog. Vicious Vines: steel "vines" entrap the opponent making him an easy target Howls of Hallcination: Spirits swirl around the oppontent, causing him to go mad


Molecular bond: heals all torn limbs Cranium Cascade: makes dizziness go away Cast Crucial Cure: Cures all cuts, gashes, wounds, etc. (will not take scarmarks away) Crystal Cleansing: cleans stains Searer of Scars: takes scars away Take note that these are spells used by a Slayer.. I will try to get some that are capable of the general Paladins and Mages, but for now thats all I have.

These Come from the KMAC Kingdom

Acid Hands (Alteration)

Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None

This spell is very similar to the 1st-level wizard spell burning hands (q.v.), except that the wizard's hands eject a corrosive acid. Damage is one hit point per level of the wizard.

Analyze Drink (Divination)

Range: 0 Components: S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: One drink Saving Throw: None

This spell requires the caster to sip a drink of any sort. The spell will then analyze all the components of the drink and make them known to the caster. The various liquids which make up the drink are revealed specifically, as well as the proportions in which they are existant. Specific brews, vintages, or brands (if applicable) are known exactly, and any dilution of the drink with water is also revealed. Since the casting requires actually tasting the drink, it is not really useful in safely identifying poisons (although the caster will instantly know the kind of poison that just hit him!).

Blown Kiss (Enchantment/Charm, Metamagic)

Range: 0 Components: S Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: One spell Saving Throw: None

This spell enhances any "kiss" spell by extending its range to 12 feet instead of 0. This spell must be cast one round prior to the kissing spell. Any kissing spell may be used in conjunction with this spell. Note that this allows the caster to blow a kiss to those that may not desire one. Problems with physical contact during combat and such are thus eliminated.

these are two that I created they are fun spells

Conjure Drink I (Conjuration/Summoning)

Range: 10 feet Components: S Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None

This spell conjures any drink of the castors liking. The components are only the desire to have the desired drink in the container in hand and a snap of the fingers of the other hand.

Cure Hangover (Abjuration) Reversible

Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: None

This spell enables the wizard to relieve a person of intoxication. once cast, a person does not need to recover from intoxication or suffer the effects of recovery. Note: It may be difficult for a wizard to cast this cantrip upon himself if intoxicated, given the chance of spell failure. The reverse of this spell is cause hangover. The wizard must make a successful attack roll to touch a person in combat. If successful, the victim gets a hangover. Roll on the Hangover Effects Table in the Net Alcohol Guide, to get the effects of the hangover.

Detect Poisoning (Divination, Necromancy)

Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 1 turn Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None

With this spell, the wizard can determine if a corpse has been poisoned. One corpse can be checked each round. The wizard can determine the means by which the poison was administered and the place at which it entered the body, and he has a 5% chance per level of being able to identify exactly the poison.

Donated by Justiuras

the magic jar spell

it alows you to enter somone elese body and yours falls limp you can control the body you take except to kill the body for than the other mind will take over.
