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Chloe's Fantasy


"Cherish your vision; Cherish your ideals;

Cherish the music that stirs in your heart..."

James Allen

Welcome to my Website!

Here you'll have access to many of my poetry, riddles, jokes, art works, and heaps more. As well as that, you'll also find links to some good websites, and my friends' websites.

This website will be constantly updated, so feel free to give me advice or comments on how to improve this site via Email or signing my guestbook.

This page is dedicated to all of my friends

You know who you are!!!

And of course all those people who love poetry and arts: I'm sure you all have excellent talents in your works. Keep them up!

Love Chloe

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The Pentagram

People consider the pentagram to be a symbol of evil. I find that very sad. For those of you who do agree with the fact that the pentagram is a symbol of evil, let me tell you, that is totally wrong.

The five corners of the star represent the five important elements - Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Spirit, which forms us all and everything else.

The circle around the star shows that together the five elements make up the cycle of our lives. The Pentragram not only protects us, but it also make us linked with everyone and everything else.

Be Blessed

Meet my baby dragon

Light Beam!


This is my new baby dragon that I adopted from the adopt dragon page. You can also adopt a dragon by clicking on Light Beam to get to the adopt a dragon page. You can also join the dragon or Rainbow dragon webring.

Light Beam is a friendly dragon, so please be kind to her.

This is her little cave, in which she sleeps.

And.... this is her toy that I gave her for her first birthday...

She absolutely loves it: a Jack in the box!


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This Fantasy site is owned by Chloe
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For the love of Fantasy


Credits - I like to thank:

Rainbow Dragon Webring ~ Lady Camelot

Fantasy Webring ~ Michelle

for some of Foxees' magnificant graphics


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