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Clark County Republican Committee

Welcome to the Home Page of the Clark County Republican Committee. If you live in Clark County, Arkansas, and want to work for less government, lower taxes, stronger families and more personal responsibility, join us! We meet the 2nd Tuesday of every month at the Baptist Medical Center cafeteria, Arkadelphia,at 6:00pm for dinner and 6:30pm for our regular meeting. Our goals are to support Republican candidates, train community leaders, and educate ourselves to be better citizens and more effective activists. For more information, please email or call:

M.G. Spanial
County Chairman

Ways to Get Involved

Our Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Republican National Committee
Governor Mike Huckabee's Page
U.S. Senator Tim Hutchinson
U.S. Representative Jay Dickey
Sandy Huckabee's Home Page
The Right Side of the Web
Young America's Foundation
National Rifle Association
National Right to Life
U.S. Term Limits
