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Yo Degenerates!! Welcome to DX-Territory!! This page is dedicated to all my DX-Family~And remember if ya don't like what you see here I got two words for ya~Can you guess what they are?~LOL~~SUCK IT!!!

GodsLuvFlies~aka~DXMom~First I would like to start with mom,You are my inspiration~and my guiding light~And this woman can rumble with the best of them~just ask DXDad cuz after all she wears the pants not him~lol~Love ya mom!

DXDad~I have to put my dad second~You have always been there for me I don't know what I would have done without ya~Love ya Bunches dad!

MYSTAKAL_DX_~My bro!~You are a true enforcer in my eyes!~Even though you are a pain in my ASS sometimes~And this guy is one bad mofo when ya piss him off~LOL~Love ya Bro!

Baby_Sweets~Her nic says it all~I am glad to have a sister like you and I can't wait for the wedding!

DXLeader~Mikey~The fearless one~LOL~I wanted to say thank you for making me part of the crew~Mikey has two words for the newbies in S-W~SUCK IT!!~You are one awesome leader You rock!

Blondie64~Hey Isis~Sis~I always enjoy chattin with you and I wish you and Mikey all the best!~

EightForty~840~Yo 840~It is always fun to kick butt with you in S-W~I can't wait to do it again!~

DX_Acolite~We haven't really had a chance to get to know each other~But from what MYSTAKAL_DX_ and Baby_Sweets says you are a bad mofo and a sweet guy~

BBicon~Hey Bruce~I hope we get to know each other better and become great friends I wish you and Diane all the best!~

XxXpensive_Porn_Star~I know we don't know each other but I am glad that we are in the same crew~And that I can call another person my sis!~

CoopMan242~Ralph!~My singin buddy~YAYAYAY~You are always there to sing with me and you always have a smile and hug for me when I enter S-W so here is one for you~(((COOP)))~Luv ya bunches!~

Huney~28~Bonnie~YaY~I am so glad to have met you and that I am one of your sisters~Give Beth hugs and kisses for me!~Luv Ya Sis~

Corp_DX87~We are just now getting to know each other~I hope to get to know you better since you are now DX~YaY!~

Dee75~Diane~Another sis~yayayayay~I am so happy that you and Bruce have each other and I wish you both all the happiness in the world!~

DanTheMan~Dan~Welcome to the family~Yay~It's about time~LOL~We are a wild and crazy bunch I know you will fit right in~lol~

DXAngel~Hey Sue My sis!!~DX 4 LYF!!~I love ya bunches sis you are a true friend!~

TakerRulz~Jason~Sweetie~You are always there to lift my spirits if I am down and you defend me and DX no matter what~YAY~

Ravnos~28~Rich~(((((RICH))))~You always have a smile for me and that is a good feeling and makes me feel special~Thanx for being there~

Demonik_Coby~Hey Coby I know we really don't know each other~I hope we get the chance to fix that minor problem~

Macho_DX_Man~Ooohhhhh Yeeeaaaahhhh!!~Mach!~YaY!~Bout time you joined the crew~LOL~It is much funner having you on the same side than as an enemy!~

NyteKeeper~Hey I am glad that we are finally getting to know each other~I hope we are good friends~

EXWP~Here is another that I have not had the chance to chat with~I hope we get to someday~BTW~~~Do I call ya Sis Or Bro~LOL~

TylerJ98~Hey Jenn~It is good to welcome you to DX~YaY~You are a great sis and a good friend~And Tyler is sooooo cute!!!~

Vikas316~Vikasssssss~My Hubby~LOL~((Vikas))~You are one of the sweetest guys I know and I hope you stay that way~Wuv Ya~

DX~Lover~I know we have not had much time to chat~but I hope we get to soon~I hear you are a great sis~

DX_X~Pac~Syxx~Syxxxxxxx~YaYaY!~I don't know you all that well but I hear you are one rude,crude,bad,dude~LOL~Isn't that what our DX~Crew is all about?~lol~

HIPFDC~Franklin~Welcome to the crew Hip~YaY!~WoW!~I am glad that you are a DXer now~We met each other b-4 either one of us was DX~YaY~

DX~Nature~Boy~My Sweet Will~You are one of the first to welcome me to S-W~And we became real close in the process~I know we will always be tight like that~

DX~392~Daveeeeeeee!~With the 392~YaY!~You are one crazy dude but that's the way us DXers like it huh?~LOL~

LaniLa~Lori~Anne~You are always keeping me up to date with what is going on in the wrestling world and you are a very sweet sis~Love Ya~

K~E~Y~Key Key Poooooh!!~YaY~Sis~It is good to have you with us sis~I know your temper so I am glad we are on the same side~LOL~

KittyKat_97~Kitty~All I can say is mmeeoowwww Sis~LOL~

We are a wild,crazy,insane,ever growing,loveable crew and I hope that you have enjoyed reading about them!~Before you leave take the time to sign my slambook and if ya don't then i got two words for ya~~SUCK IT!!! And always remember DX~RULES~4~LYF!!!!
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