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My FaMily!!

This page is dedicated to my family...They mean the world to me and I don't know what I would do if they were not in my life!

First I would like to start with my kids Without them I wouldn't make it through the day...

TANYIA~~My oldest daughter..I miss you since you been with your daddy...I Love you my Squirrel..

BOGIE~~My oldest boy...What can I say about you my son you are the spittin image of your dad and I love and Miss you!!

ELISHA~~My Pooh-Meister..LoL..Hey pooh it's ok to be a Goldberg mark I guess lol...But just remember pooh STING RULZ!! Mommy loves you baby!

KERA~~My Pookie...Hey miss thang..LoL...The way you strut baby girl you gonna be a model someday I just know it!! I Love you Pookster!!

HALLIE~~My Troll Doll~~Hey Red..LoL..Just remember baby no matter how bad ya think you are you will never have a temper like mommy's...I Love You My Red!!

Next I would Like to Thank God for my Parents cuz without them only The Good Lord Knows where I would be...

MOMMY~~You are my inspiration mom,I couldn't have asked to have a better mom..You try to keep me on the right know I strayed a few times thanx for bringin me back from the edge and listening to me when I needed someone to talk to....You are and always will be my very bestest friend!!! I Love You Mommy! (((((MOM))))

DADDY~~You are the greatest dad in the world and I love you with all my heart...If I would have had a choice for a father it would have been you all the way daddy!(holds up a sign) You Rule Daddy!!! They say there is always love in daddy's hands and it is sooo true...Thanx for bein my dad and Loving me unconditionally...I Love You Daddy!! (((((DAD)))))

Here is where I give thanx for having the worlds biggest pains in my butt's for

CHARLIE~~My younger bro...I can't call him my lil bro cuz he is about three times my have been there to listen to me when I needed to talk...You are one of my bestest friends and I thank God you are my brother...I know we don't always get along or see eye to eye..But I couldn't have asked for a better brother...I Love ya Bro!!

JASON~~My silent brother..Always there to pick on me when I don't wanna be messed with cuz I am in a bad always makes me smile though...You are a wonderful brother and have protected me many times from bad pplz lol...My other brother I wouldn't change for the world...I Love Ya Jay!!

KERRI~~Last but not least my sis Kerri...It's about damn time my bro put that ring on ur finger...LoL...Seriously though Kerri I love you very much and I couldn't have asked for a better sister than you...Thanx for always being there to help me with this web stuff lol....oh yeah sis one more thing...STING!!(whooooohooooo)LMAO!! I think we will be sting mark's forever sis...(((((KERRI)))))

Now I would like to toss some shout outs to some other pplz in my family...Uncle R.D. You are the greatest...Adam my best bud always there for me no matter what time it is..LoL!...Deanna,Jeb,Angel,Jeremy,Chris,Uncle Fred,and the rest of my family I love you all very much!!!

For those of my loved ones no longer blessing us with their presence...Stormy Alexis Martin~~my niece I love you baby and I miss you....Kelly Martin~~My cousin...We had some great times Kelly I miss you....Charlotte Martin~~My aunt...God I miss singin with you sooo much..We will sing again when we meet...Leo Piper~~My Grandfather who passed away on April 16th 1999...Your Little Fish Loves You Grandpa....Sadie Griffith~~My Nanny who passed on April 25th 1999...Nanny I will miss you most of all...You weren't supposed to go yet we had too much left undone I Love You Nanny....I thank God for the time he gave me to have them in my life and on in this earth....I Love You and Miss You All!!!

Well There Ya have it....My Family...I love each and every one of them and Thank the good Lord Above for putting them in my life....((((((MY FAMILY))))Thanx for stoppin in to read about them...