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What to Bring to Camp

Camps run from 6:00p.m. on Friday to 3:00p.m. on Sunday.

Everyone should bring:

***A positive attitude and plenty of enthusiasm
***$25 camp fee
***Sleeping bag, pillow, and blanket
***shower supplies and toiletries
***comfortable, loose-fitting clothes for rehearsals
***low-topped TENNIS shoes and SOCKS for marching rehearsals
***3-ring binder and pencil (many find it helpful to have a supply of page protectors)
***completed membership application, medical insurance info, and driver's license or copy of birth certificate
***equipment specific to your area:
*****Brass Players- mouth piece, pair of band style gloves
*****Snares- Ralph Hardimon (or similar) sticks
*****Tenors- pair of general mallets.
*****Bass Drums- mallets (mallets for each bass drum size will be provided)
*****Pit Players- 2 pair keyboard mallets (1 pair soft, 1 harder), pair of Timpani mallets
*****Colorguard- flag and pole (plus rifle and sabre if you are proficient on them)