DreamWalker's Second Fantasy
Welcome to my Second Fantasy!!
Hey all!! Here i am again, trying to bore you all with more stuff i like.
Now for more about me...
I am one of the few girls who are into sports. I love to play softball and basketball. I like to watch baseball and football. My favorite teams are the Braves,and Royals and Cowboys and Chiefs. Let's all hope they do better this year!!
I enjoy cruising,boating and camping as well as reading and just sitting and watching the rain fall.
Pets: I have a dog that is part chow and part ???. I also have a Mama cat named Pepper who is the proud parent of 4(count them) 4 baby kitties. I have one outside cat who is all black and named Sage.
I live in Arkansas and wouldn't want to live anywhere else. Only one drawback,, anybody want a used president?? I will gladly give you ours.
Shows I like?? Well let's see, I like millienium, X-files, the outer limits, and King of the Hill. Well enough about me...Tell me a little bit about you...SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!! You never know...we may be friends someday.
My Friends
- ~BabyTalk~...AKA...fossa...One of the best ppl you can ever meet. She has been there for me from day one...i love ya girl!!
- Blueangel...hey girl...what would i do without you??hope i never have to find out!!
- Jeremy...What can one say about him?? he is one of the best and sweetest ppl i have ever talked to.
- Twisted Freak...one very funny guy!! One word of advice...watch how you say something to him...he tends to take it literally...
- WishMaster... one of my newest friends but one of my best also... Derek, hope you never forget me!! your a sweetheart!! *hugs/kotl*
My Favorite Links
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
WhoWhere? - The Best Communications Guide on the Web
Check this out for a tour aboard the famed Titanic
DiCaprio fans...CLICK HERE
Email: dreemwalker@hotmail.com