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"Kodiak" Sub Killer (Core)
The Core Kodiak is a sub killing ship. Armed with a new torpedo and a HLT this is a must add to any navy. Great for escorting other ships to the battle
"Kinboat" Sub Killer (Arm)
The Arm Kinboat is a sub killing ship. Armed with a new torpedo and a HLT this is a must add to any navy. Great for escorting other ships to the battle.
Core Radar NS (Core)
The Core Floating Radar is a great tactical unit for TA. Great for those huge water maps and a great unit all together.
Arm Radar NS (Arm)
The Arm Floating Radar is a great tactical unit for TA. Great for those huge water maps and a great unit all together.
"Wasp" Air To Air Fighter (Arm)
A light air to air fighter. It is also stealth with advancements in technology is designed for lvl 1 AA defense. Great in swarms. Best way to stop it is with flakkers/cobras.
"Dropper" Mine Layer Ship (Core)
The Core Dropper is a mine layer ship that never came with TA:CC.Armed with 3 mines this bad boy is just in time to protect your naval yards.Grab em now.
"Bear" Heavy Rocket Tank (Arm)
The Arm Bear Rocket Tank has come to life. Armed with its own new prototype rocket weapon a pack of these bad boys can drop a core base like a bad habit. Happy Hunting.
This is the latest version of the arm bear which is version 3.0.
"ICBM" Battle Sub (Arm)
What we have all been waiting for a Sea to Land strike sub! -Hey whats wrong with my Sub?-
"Sabre" Land-Attack-Chopper (Core)
The sabre is a land attack chopper buildable by the advanced aircraft plant.
"Havoc" All-Purpose-Chopper (Arm)
The havoc is an all purpose chopper buildable by the advanced aircraft plant.
"Perseus" Advanced Gunship (Arm)
The Arm Perseus is an advanced gunship buildable by the advanced aircraft plant costing 12523 Energy and 1125 Metal.
"Bio-Catepillar" Medium assault catepillar (Core)
The Core Bio-Catepillar is a medium assault catepillar which is a total new model, new script and new fire animation buildable by the Core Advanced Vehicle Plant for 4512 Energy.
"Cavalier" Multi Purpose Kbot (Arm)
The Cavalier is a multi-purpose kbot which sports 2 weapons - a very far range laser & a kbot missile, it also heals itself and has radar capabilities and it is buildable by the Arm Advanced Kbot Lab costing 7328 Energy and 1489 Metal.
"Loki" Dual Mobile Rocket Launcher (Core)
The loki sports a dual rocket launcher, it is useful for surprise attacks on structures, does not work well on moving targets.
"Behemoth" Mobile Weapons Platform (Arm)
The behemoth is a very powerful unit for destroying structures & moving targets.It sports 3 weapons - A heavy laser, a cannon and a rocket launcher.
"Helipad" Produces Helicopters (Arm)
The helipad produces the chopper, a powerful unit that is very strong in packs.
"Rapido" Starburst Missile Kbot (Core)
The rapido is a starburst missile kbot that will punch a pack in large numbers.
"Gamera" Close Combat Megabot (Core)
The gamera is a close combat kbot which "slices" it's enemy into pieces.
"Shrike" Stealth Fighter (Arm)
The Shrike is a stealth fighter that is useful in taking out fusion plants or moho mines that are unguarded or any unarmed unit.

Advanced G-N Construction Seaplane (Arm & Core)
This unit allows you to build Level 1 & Level 2 Ground and Naval units, with a build speed of 250 which is faster than any other const. unit other than the commander, it's main purpose is to reduce the number of Advanced Const.Aircraft units that users usually build, all of TAUCC's NS units are now built with this new construction seaplane.This unit is buildable by the Advanced Aircraft Plant.
"Fusion Generator" Advanced Cloakable Fusion Reactor (Core)
Seeing that Pheonix Design Group released their Fusion Facility, leaving core behind, i made this unit which produces 3150 energy and it is cloakable at the cost of 650 energy.Buildable by any ground advanced construction unit.
"Mini Fusion Reactor" Quick Boost To Energy (Arm & Core)
Need a quick boost to your energy at start?The mini fusion reactor produces 500 energy buildable by any level 1 ground construction unit.
"Obliterator" Silo Naval Series(Arm)
"Liquidator" Silo Naval Series (Core)
Silo Naval Series, just what you need when space is running out on land.It is also clokable (for sneek attacks).Buildable by the Advanced Construction Submarine and Advanced G-N Const. Seaplane. "Repulsor" Anti-Missile Defense Naval Series (Arm)
"Resistor" Fortitude-Missile Defense Naval Series (Core)
Anti & Fortitude Missile Defense naval series are just what you need when you can't protect your precious sea units from nuclear attacks.It is also cloakable (for surprise defense!).Buildable by the Advanced Construction Submarine and Advanced G-N Const. Seaplane. "Devastator" Long-Range Plasma Cannon Naval Series (Arm)
"Decimator" Long-Range Plasma Cannon Naval Series (Core)
Can't annihilate your enemies base on the seas with a big bertha or intimidator because it's out of range?Then you need Devastator and Decimator for Naval Series!.Buildable by the Advanced Construction Submarine and Advanced G-N Const. Seaplane. "Guardian" Plasma Battery Naval Series (Arm)
"Punisher" Plasma Battery Naval Series

Cavedog should have released naval series of the Plasma Battery when they released "Stinger" or "Thunderbolt".This is just like the ordinary plasma battery, but it's Naval Series.Buildable by the Construction Kbot, Construction Ship, Construction Hovercraft, Construction Seaplane and Construction Aircraft
"Vulcan" Rapid Fire Plasma Cannon Naval Series (Arm)
"Buzzsaw" Rapid Fire Plasma Cannon Naval Series

When TA:CC was released, naval series versions of the Vulcan & Buzzsaw should have been included.But here they are, the vulcan & buzzsaw Naval Series can be built by the Advanced Construction Submarine and the Advanced G-N Const. Seaplane.
Moho Metal Maker Naval Series (Arm & Core)
Here are the Naval Series of the Moho Metal Maker, and they are cloakable as well! Buildable by the Advanced Construction Submarine and Advanced G-N Const. Seaplane.
"Annihilator" Energy Weapon Naval Series (Arm)
"Doomsday Machine" Energy Weapon Naval Series (Core)
Just when the game gets hotter and toughter with all the powerful naval units, you will need something powerful enough to pack a punch to annihilate them.The energy weapon "Annihilator" and "Doomsday Machine" Naval Series is what you need!Buildable by the Advanced Construction Submarine and Advanced G-N Const. Seaplane. "Air Repair Pad NS" Automaticly Repairs Aircraft Quickly (Arm & Core)
Don't you hate it when you have to wait for the aircraft to return from battle and land on the repair pad and have to go back and forth on a very large map?Your worries are no more!Grab the Air Repair Pad NS, it is an Air Repair Pad for the seas and it repairs aircraft more than 2 times quicker than the ground version! "Ambusher" Pop-Up Heavy Cannon Naval Series (Arm)
"Toaster" Pop-Up Heavy Cannon Naval Series (Core)
The only strong defense structures that can stand against a nuclear is the ambusher & toaster, here they are now for the seas!Buildable by the Advanced G-N Const. Seaplane and Advanced Construction Submarine.
Advanced Radar Tower Naval Series (Arm)
The advanced Radar Tower Naval Series is just what you need when the ground version can't provide enough radar coverage.
Buildable by the Advanced G-N Const. Seaplane, Advanced Construction Submarine.

"Viper" Pop-Up Heavy Laser Naval Series (Core)
The "Viper" Naval Series is a strong & powerful Pop-Up heavy laser naval series.Buildable by the Construction Aircraft, Construction Seaplane, Construction Kbot, Construction Ship & Construction Hovercraft. Hovercraft Platform Naval Series (Arm & Core)
The Hovercraft Platform Naval Series is just what every TA:CC owner wants, it's much better if you build it on the sea as it is meant for the seas!Since hovercrafts can float on water, i don't see why cavedog didn't make the hovercraft platform buildable on the seas.This version of the hovercraft platform will "go up" and "down" when nanolathing like the Seaplane Platform!

Note: Hovercraft Platform NS should be used with TA:CC, if you do not have TA:CC i do not recommend you to download this unit.

Stunner Naval Series (Arm)
It's time to stun your enemies from the seas.

Neutron Naval Series (Core)
The neutron ns will neutrolize both arm & core units.
Arch / Circular Saw NS Heavy Gatling Plasma Battery (Arm / Core)
The arch / circular saw ns is what you need to annihilate units like the battle bee or big john in sea maps, they are powerful units but will use up to 500 energy when firing!
Cloakable Metal Maker Naval Series (Arm & Core)
The cloakable metal maker ns is just what you need to increase your metal at a fixed price.It will produce 5 metal & 200 energy at default, and when turned on it will produce 8 metal at price of 200 energy.That means it will produce 8 metal without any energy loss!

The experimental TIE - Phantom. Based on the TIE Interceptor, this ship comes with a cloaking device...
The Golan Rebel Laser Battery, from those great guys Wedge and Cheese. I am told Wedge made the basis of the model, and Cheese did the rest. Well done team!
The Imperial All Terain Scout Transport. A new version of the AT-ST is here to play, made by ex-DCS member Hoffa.
The Imperial Missileboat, one of many units that will be available in the forthcoming Total Conversion! Coming soon!

Galactic Gate / Units / 3rd Party Units