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Midi playing is…
"Wind Beneath My Wings"
by Bette Midler

In February of 1968, something happened that would change my life forever. I had just moved out on my own into a small "little" house with my cousin, Jackie. We decided one night to be really really brave and see if we could meet a couple of guys. I was REALLY going to enjoy my freedom! We ended up going to the little coffee shop at the Bus Station in the area where we lived. We stayed there about an hour and a half and decided to leave. I was driving, and as we got in the car to leave. LOL and BEHOLD, there on the bus parked in front of us, sat a couple of good looking MARINES!! Okay, so how do we get their attention without being obvious about it? Ummmmmm??

Nothing seemed to be working. We knew that had seen us……we caught them looking,..they seemed interested, but how were we going to get them off that DANG bus?!? I told Jackie to hang on a sec, I was going to try something. I started the car, backed up a few feet, and then pulled back in….NOTHING HAPPENED? (WHAT’S WRONG WITH THESE GUYS?? ARE THEY REALLY MARINES???) They were watching, they just weren’t getting off that darn bus! If at first you don’t succeed…so I told Jackie, I was going to try one more time and if it didn’t work, we would just forget it...I started the car, started to back out, and down off the bus they came!! Jackie and I looked at each other like "Okay, it worked, NOW what do we do???"


I don’t really remember that much about one of them, but the other one on my side of the car…WOW!!!!!!!!!! Tall, handsome, and those eyes………those GORGEOUS SEXY EYES!!!! (but couldn’t we do something about that southern hillbilly accent????) To make a long story short, we ended up driving them ALL OVER southern California, mainly trying to decide if we did the right thing by picking up 2 guys, not to mention the fact that they were Marines!! Daddy always told me, "Whatever you do, don’t ever get involved with a Marine!". (Daddy, I’m glad this is one of "those" times I didn’t listen to you…)

Honey, you told me the night we met that you were going to marry me. If I remember correctly, my exact words were, "OH NO YOU AREN’T!!" I guess you were right, as usual, and 6 weeks later we were engaged. Thirty years ago on July 26, 1969, we were married.

Over these past 30 years I have come to realize what a Very special man I married. Sure, we’ve had our "moments", our ups and downs, our ins and outs, but we learned from them and have grown from them. You are THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, my support and strength. So many times I would have never survived without you there by my side. Your sense of humor is well….very special and rare. You have a "unique" way of making me laugh – even when I don’t really want to. Your charm can be overwhelming at times, but oh so loveable. No wonder I sometimes get a little (okay, alot) jealous and over re-act. LOL
I’m sooooo proud of you and what you have made of our lives together. No words could ever tell you how I really feel. Would I do it again? If I had a crystal ball that showed me what the next 30 years held in store, would I start that car and back out, just to get your attention???

IN A HEART BEAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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