About the Club
Hiya all!!!! I'm so pleased you've come to visit us here at the Unofficial Harley Quinn Fan Club's Official Website! tee hee!
I'm Harley Quinn aka Elise, Founder of the Club and also webmaster of the Haven of Hedonism. When I first started this club, back in 1997, it was literally on a whim. There was no preplanning involved, no thoughts, no design....I just decided I wuz gonna start this club dagnabit and nobody wuz gonna stop me!!!!!

So I did!

Over the past two or so years, the club has maintained a steady membership of almost all it's original members - a clear sign who the biggest and most tru Harleyites are of all the pple who've been in it. Why's that? Well, patience for one thing!! I wuz only 17 when I started this thing, and I had absolutely no real idea how to do it or what to do with it! It's been a total learning process for me as well as everyone else!! It's taken alot of attempts, failures ideas and whims to settle into a position where everybody is happy and the club is roaring along quite nicely now.Any member who's stuck through with me through alla that has GOTTA be a big fan! Noone else would!!

Now that've got our act together and the mailing list has proved a suitable and cool way fo keeping up to date in Harleyism, I felt the club wuz ready to undertake some new undertakings!!!! Hee hee!!!! Like I said this is alearning process, we grow and become more experienced with time! So our next step wuz to begin this website!!!Basically a showcase for all the members and information on potential members! Our next step will be to get proper membership cards and shirts made, possibly keyrings too.There's been some small talk of a Club convention, although that is most likely to be in the distant future.

What else is planned? Well, only time can tell.There'll certainly be alot of activities and experiments we'll try though!!!! The FanClub is gonna be around for a long time, come hell or highwater! We've survived the first difficult beginnings,now we can only get stronger in our adoration of Harley and everything that is her.As the years go by, I'm confident that the club will become a strong and well organised organisation, the definitive association for all the big HQ fans. It may take us awhile, but being the fans (and really awesome pple) we are, we'll get there!!

I'd just like to finish by saying that running this club has been a real pleasure for me. We've had our ups and downs, but all the current members - many of which who've been with me since the beginning - make everything worthwhile. They are a truly fabulous bunch of pple, dedicated, amazingly creative, friendly and varied. The club is more than just a body of worship for Harley, it embodies what Harley represents herself - unconditional love,friendship and zaniness!!! I'm not sure that there are many clubs out there bounded by the kind of friendship and like-mindedness that the HQ Fan Club is. I love being a part of it, and I love the pple in it!!!! Without them, everything the club ahs achieved just wouldn't be possible!!It's truly a great and fun ride.

So come on and join us, if you think ya can handle it ;)
