Today by Harley Moon (inspired by Jefferson Airplane) Today....I feel like pleasing you more than before.... Today....I know what I want of you but I don't know what for.... The Joker anxiously raked his fingers through his luscious green hair. She was several feet in front of him, and yet her gentle radiance still permeated his soul like water through a slab of rock. She was in her casual garb--a sleeveless white shirt tied in front, allowing just an inch or two of skin to be seen, loud red shorts hugging her well-toned hips and legs. A red and black bandanna held her hair back, which was fixed in a ponytail on the base of her neck. She crouched on her hands and knees, cleaning up after their pet hyenas while dinner was fixing itself in the microwave stolen from the 'home appliances' section at Mayfield's. It had been quite a while since they had gone out....not since they had escaped Arkham for the umpteenth time....not since his rather cruel and remorseless killing of Sarah Essen-Gordon. In a fit of temporary insanity, Commissioner Gordon put a price on the Joker's head, and the masses have been hunting him down ever since. He and Harley have been in hiding for months now. It hasn't been pretty, but it was better than having to endure long hours at Arkham in solitary confinement. And his knee wasn't getting any better either. His wicked grin curled into an unusual frown. He was in one of his moods again. But it's for these moods that Harley continues to stand by his side so vehemently. "Harley girl," he called out to her from the doorway, "are you busy?" She looked up, her nose wrinkled in a rabbit-like manner from the smell of manure. "Uh...not really. Why do ya ask, Mistah J?" Joker strolled towards her in ease...or at least tried to. "I was just wondering whether or not you'd like to go out tonight...." Harley's smile was brighter than a million-watt bulb. She dropped her handbroom and dustpan and immediately jumped into her lover's arms. "Oh, do you really mean that, puddin'!?" Joker grinned as he settled his violet gaze on her. "Of course, pumpkin pie! You just do so much for me around here, I thought it was high time that I do something -you- want to do. So why don't you go get dressed and we go out for a nice ride, hmm?" Harley bounced excitedly from foot to foot and she ran to her room. Minutes later, she sprang out in her jester's attire and swung her lavender purse from its strap. Her powdered face shone in the dimness as she scurried to the outside world. But before she could reach the front door, Joker grabbed her by the wrist. "Why don't you let -me- drive for a change?" Harley raised a confused eyebrow. "Are ya sure, puddin'?" Joker smiled and patted her on the head. "I'm sure." She handed him the keys without argument, and he made his way towards the car. She didn't know just why he decided to drive instead--usually it was she who had to make their getaway possible. The car ride was long and silent. Harley didn't even know where she was going, since the Joker had blindfolded her with that bandanna she had on earlier. She twiddled with her fingers uneasily and bit her bottom lip. She was very nervous now. "Puddin' are ya sure ya wanna go somewhere? I mean, yer knee and all..." Harley winced, thinking about how she jumped on him earlier and how much it must have pained him. "Nonsense Harl, didn't I tell ya that I'd bounce back as good as new someday? It's been months since I've enjoyed a breath of fresh air, what with rehab and all. So don't worry your pretty little head over it, 'kay? She left it at that. She knew that he's not usually like this...and she knew better than to question him when he was in one of his 'moods'..... To be living for you is all I want to do.... To be loving you, it'll all be there when my dreams come true.... "You can open your eyes now," Joker whispered to her. Slowly, Harley Quinn opened her eyes and gasped at the sight in front of her. He had taken her to the roof of the tallest building in Gotham. The view dazzled her senses and she smiled in child-like awe and wonderment. Her eyes twinkled like stars and the moonlight bathed her in an iridescent glow. She twirled and spun her dancer's body, excited by it all. A soft laughter made her stop. She turned to her beloved, who was grinning to himself. "God, you can be such a child sometimes," he mused. "But I guess that's why I like you so much." He strolled to her side and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. "You seem to view everything from a child's eyes--everything seems innocent and beautiful to you, like it was the greatest thing in the world to you. You take everything so light-heartedly...I'll admit it's nice to have you around whenever..." He sighed, resting his chin on her shoulder. "Can you see those really bright lights over there?" he asked, pointing a finger at the horizon. Harley squinted and strained her vision. "You mean the red ones?" "Yes, that one," he answered. "That red light....that's where the new Ritz Gotham is. Word on the street is that tonight there's a big party celebrating the one million dollar grant given to the police department by the U.S. government, claiming that they'll need it in order to make sure that post-No Man's Land Gotham can strive to be safer than its unfortunate predecessor. High-class snobs from all over are going to be there for the grand re-opening of one of the most luxurious hotels in the world. "Wow," Harley breathed. "So when are we gonna go ova there and trash the place?" Joker sighed once more. "We're not." Harley turned to meet her love. "We aren't?" "Nope." He sat down a few feet away from the ledge of the building and pulled Harley down into an embrace. "Tonight, it's just you and me, baby." He held her as if it was for the last time, and Harley felt her breath leaving her body. Her head found the perfect spot on his shoulder and she relaxed and began to think about things....'ll make me say that I somehow have changed.... look into my eyes, I'm just not the same.... "Are you okay, Mistah J?" Harley asked hesitantly, breaking the silence. Joker raised his head. "Sure, never been better. Why do you ask?" "I.....I dunno, I just thought that it was kinda weird coming out here, ya know....not committin' some heinous crime and all...." The slap or verbal curse she was bracing herself for never came. Instead she heard the faint sounds of car horns blaring into the night. Her eyes began drooping sleepily, and her vision became blurry. She felt as if sleep was trying to subdue her, but she fought back and tried to blink it away. But when she opened them, she looked into the most beautiful eyes she would ever behold. And now those eyes were staring sternly but softly at her own periwinkle blue. Something about him wasn't right....but she dared not question him again. She had suddenly remembered....he was in one of his moods.... To be any more than all I am would be a lie.... "Dammit, you're right," Joker said, fixing his gaze on the city unfolding itself before him. "We should be trashing that place." I'm so full of love I could burst apart and start to cry.... "Let's go, Harley!" he yelled. She ran to the car as fast as she could, wondering just how it was that he had gotten so far ahead of her. He still insisted on driving though. She sat motionless in the passenger seat, the city flaring past their purple roadster. She fought back her tears, now regretting saying anything in the first place. All she had wanted was a quiet night alone with her beloved, and now he was intent on ransacking a hotel full of hypocritical socialites who could care less whether they lived or died. Plus, he was in one of his moods..... Harley kept beating herself up inside. She shouldn't have said anything.... Today....everything you want I swear, it will all come true.... "You like diamonds, doncha Harl?" he bellowed at his companion, trying to make his voice distinguishable amidst the clamor and ruckus of people being scared shitless at the two psychopaths in the room. "Puddin', look out!" Harley shouted from across the ballroom. Joker was attempting to rip a diamond necklace off a woman's neck, when he was suddenly pulled off the screaming female and punched in the face by a strong arm. He didn't have to open his eyes to know who it was. "Long time no see, Commish!" he said in his delirium. "How's the family?" The graying officer gritted his teeth and then proceeded to give him the beating of his life. "Murderer," he rasped before settling another blow into the Joker's gut. The Joker smiled nonchalantly. "And you realize this -now-?" Gordon had to be held back by his men as the Joker laid down in a pool of his blood. He struggled to get up but was stepped upon by another familiar face. "Batsy! Haven't seen you around, either! How's that new little Bratgirl of yours, hmm? Willing to let me have a crack at her, eh?" he winked. The caped menace grabbed him by the collar of his purple suit. "You little piece of scum..." he spat. Joker laughed his patented maniacal laughter. "Oh come on Bats, I'm pretty sure she's a pain, I can get her off your case just like I did that Jason Todd kid!" Batman slammed the Joker against the wall with such force that several small cracks appeared on it. The Joker just mocked him, his laughter acting as his personal anesthesia against the broken bones in his body. "Okay Bats, I missed you too. So, are we off to merry old Arkham or do we have to stay awhile and--" The sounds of a shrieking woman distracted him. The Joker looked beyond the cowled figure before him and saw Harley being manhandled brutishly by three young police officers. The next thing anybody knew, the Joker was on the other side of the room, using his almost superhuman strength and taking on all three officers at once. A knife slipped out of his sleeve and he pierced the belly of one of the young men with it. More police came to seize him but he was already many steps ahead of them, as he had taken his moll in his arms and disappeared into the emergency stairwell. A crew was sent to follow them as Commissioner Gordon radioed for a swat team to surround the area and choppers to descend onto the roof of the hotel. The Batman had vanished long since, although many caught sight of an open window.... Today...I realize how much I'm in love with you.... "M-M-Mistah J..." Harley's voice trembled with fear. They were on the roof, with nothing but 87 stories of air in front of them. He set her down gingerly and narrowed his gaze at the helicopters in the distance. "Don't worry, Harl, I won't let them get to us." Harley didn't like this. Even -he- sounded unsure of himself. "There's no way in hell I'll be taken back to Arkham. I'd rather die than spend one more day in that wretched place." "Same here.." If he hadn't been in one of his moods, she probably would've been shoved to the floor, how stupid that comment sounded. But she wasn't thinking clearly, and neither was he. He never does when he was like this. She then caught a flash of light in his eyes. He had an idea. "Think we could make it?" he asked, pointing to the roof of another building. Harley surveyed the stretch of space. "No way, it's too far!" "No one said this was going to be easy, my sweet," he hummed. He grabbed her hand and ignoring Harley's squeals of protest, he began trying to gain some distance. She followed him blindly of course, as she always does. Just as he was prepared to run for it, the door to the roof was being rammed against--the police were right behind it, threatening bad things if they didn't open the door. Suddenly a harsh beam glared upon them. They shielded their eyes from the copter's spotlight, and realized to their surprise the Batman reemerging from the shadows. "There's nowhere to run, Joker," he scowled. "Don't make a move!" they could hear Gordon's voice yelling into the bullhorn. "You are under arrest!" Joker looked to the sides, considering his options. Harley tightened her grip on his hand. "What do we do?" Harley whispered. Joker glanced at her out of the corner of his eyes. "Here, keep this with you..." he said as he reached inside his coat. Batman's eyes widened--Harley knew this wasn't a good thing. "He's going to open fire!" Gordon yelled amidst the ruckus of the copter blades whirring in the night air. Batman darted out of the way as bullets rained from the sky. Joker immediately took Harley and tried to run out of harm's way. Suddenly he felt something graze his side. It stung like hell. He collapsed on top of Harley, whom he was shielding the whole time. The gunfire stopped as soon as they saw their man was down. Harley looked meekly at the face of her lover, which was twisted in pain. His clenched hand was slowly loosening its hold on the object he had taken out of his jacket. It was a ring. A blood red ruby was set in the middle, with little diamonds encircling it, and it was set on a silver finish. He slipped it clumsily into her hand. "Was....afraid that they'd....confiscate it if they caught us...had to give it to you...I like diamonds...." Joker smiled as his eyes drifted to a close. He didn't see the tears sliding down Harley's cheeks.... With you standing here, I could tell the world what it means to love "Leave her alone," he warned menacingly as he was being taken to the ambulance. He and Harley had been apprehended by the Batman once again. It wouldn't be the last time of course, but this particular moment would be different. "I said, LEAVE HER ALONE!" he lashed out at the news reporters hissing at his girlfriend. He kicked the air and tried to break free from the chains that bound him. "You wanna bother someone for an interview for your meaningless programs, go ahead, ask me, but leave Harley out of this! She was an innocent bystander, this was all -my- idea! If you don't quit harassing her, I'll make sure to learn the names of your kids and where they go to school, and trust me, I won't make their deaths pretty!" He was hauled to the ambulance, awaiting treatment for his wounds. The local news broadcasted that temper tantrum. Most everyone thought that the Joker was mad. But very few caught sight of what was behind him...a jester-clad young woman smiling through her tears as the Joker warded off her aggressors.... To go on from here, I can't use words they don't say enough.... "Harley..." he mumbled in his heavily-sedated state. A warm hand held his. "I'm right here..." A smile crossed his face. "Good....honey, I'm sorry they got you...." "It's okay," was the reply. His head swayed as if he was listening to a song in his mind. "Harley...I didn't want this to know that, right?" "Yes, I know." "Good....I hope you know that all I really wanted tonight was a nice quiet evening with you....but somehow I couldn't shake off the idea of those well-to-do egotists and their prized jewels...but I just wanted to get you something nice...I know you like diamonds..." "Really?" the voice inquired. "Yeah...this wasn't supposed to happen...dammit I hate the Bat...I hate Arkham...but I hate not having you with me...the know how it I feel, one else one else would believe me if they knew....but it doesn't least you're here now..." The Joker then drifted off into a dreamworld of nightmares and demons with batwings. His closed eyes would twitch every so often, more so when the hand left his. But he was still running scared in his subconscious. His deep sleep was not stirred by the sound of a door opening. "How is he, Dr. Leland?" "He'll be all right, Bartholomew," the good doctor answered. "He's hallucinating though....he thought I was Harley." Doctor Bartholomew shrugged it off. "Just a side affect from the sedatives--it'll wear off in time....though with the Joker I would be surprised if anything merely 'goes away'. That lunatic cost the life of a rookie officer tonight, did you know that?" Joan Leland pursed her lips in disdain. "No, I hadn't heard that." "Well, you should've seen the outburst he displayed on national TV--he kept threatening the reporters to stop questioning Harley Quinn. Can you believe that, he acted as if he was actually defending her." "Maybe he was," Dr. Leland mumbled. Dr. Bartholomew shook his head in displeasure. "I doubt that--the Joker is an animal, plain and simple. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. He probably didn't want the reporters questioning Harley because he didn't want his private life to be revealed." "Of course," Dr. Leland said with a defeated sigh. Dr. Bartholomew rifled through a notepad he held in his hands. "Well, I'll be leaving now to check up on Miss Quinn...are you coming, Dr. Leland?" "I'll be along shortly," she responded. With that, he left her to the comedian. She couldn't help but look once more at his unhappy state, couldn't even begin to imagine the dreams that haunt his sleep. What made it even more unusual was his voice uttering the word "Harley" over and over, trying to clutch the hand that was no longer there, needing a savior to release him from his suffering. Joan Leland frowned. She understood....she understood finally, just why it was that Harley Quinn stood by his side.... Please please listen to me, it's taken so long to come true.... His mood was gone. It wasn't very often that he got very emotional, or touchy-feely. That is why Harley tried to take advantage of it when she could. His intelligent mind was usually at work with ways to burden the populace, but whenever he was recovering from a serious injury, near-death experience or traumatizing ordeal--such as his injury caused by Commissioner Gordon--he always seemed more toned down, more gentle. As much vigor as the insane Joker added to her life, Harley liked the reserved one more. The reserved Joker was more romantic, more aware of his hidden feelings for her. But this side of him rarely saw the light of day. It had been months since she had seen him so calm and reposed as he was before they were caught. But that side of him was gone now. When he finally awoke from his tranquilized condition, he was his laughing, maniacal self again, the self that people everywhere feared. It would be quite a while before he gets into one of those moods once more.... And it's all for you....all for you.... And somewhere in a corner of Arkham, a woman curled in a fetal position on the floor, her arms strapped to her sides, her little girl voice crying the night away, before settling into a drug-induced sleep.... The End