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My name is Julie and I'm 17 years old.

Looks: Blondes hair, blue eyes, about 5 foot, and around 95 pounds (and if you dare, you can click here here to see what I look like.)

Interests: I love to sing,surf the net, write poems, talk on the phone, ride horses, spend time with my family, and just being my nutty self.

Boyfriend? :No...actually I am very single :oP

Christian or not? Christian all the way baby! My family and I attend Solid Rock Tabernacle.

Goals: Some of my future plans are to go to college. There I will train to become a Pediatrician. After college I want to make sure I have a decent job, and began a family. And maybe after all of that takes place follow in my parents footsteps and become a youth director myself. For some odd reason I love little people.

Family: ..Most every kid thinks they have the greatest parents in the world. Well, Im one of those kids. I believe that my parents are the greatest. My dad..Well, he is a bowl of cheerios in himself. But I love him to death. Whenever things need to be fixed, well he is usually there. Or whenever I need a father daughter talk..He is also there. Although he doesnt have a homepage, that doesnt mean he doesnt get online. Trust me he does. Mainly to download things. But he does get on. My mom well...she is a very special person to me. And she is my best friend. She is the perfect mother. I couldnt ask for a better one. She is always there when we need her..or when we are sick. She gives us things we need and usually things we dont need we get anyways. Thanks Mom you are wonderful. Okay! I also have a little brother, and well for a little brother he is AWESOME! He is really great. Although sometimes he does get on my nerves. He is still cool.

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