Child Abuse



     The silent stillness of the night is broken by the sobs of one child then multiplied by the thousands who each night lie in bed with the fear that at any time their nightmare will come walking through the door. Thus one sob becomes hundreds, then thousands, until they combine to a deafening roar. Innocence corrupted then lost by the selfishness of one that should protect and love them, not be the source of their fears. Every night many children go to bed hoping for the sleep that will, for a short time, bring them relief from the horror they know as life. Only in their dreams do they live in a world of love and happiness.

     Child abuse should be an unthinkable act not an all too common occurrence. Daily it causes injury to and the death of countless children worldwide. These are deaths not caused by sickness or hunger but by the cruel deliberate acts of someone who, many times, these innocent victims look to for protection.

     I added this page to my Angels In Blue websites to provide information and educational material on the subject. It is my hope that it will provide the necessary knowledge and motivation to people who seek to be the protectors of our children. Much of the information that is presented on my Domestic Violence page is applicable to child abuse. There are links below that are specific to the topic of child abuse.

     On March 31, 2000, several of my coworkers responded to one of the worst acts of child abuse that has occurred in the city of Little Rock, Arkansas. This incident resulted in the death of a baby and undoubtedly will forever be the cause of mental anguish to the officers involved. I was fortunate that day, for it was my day off and I was spared the possibility of witnessing the horror that these officers saw. An article describing the events appeared in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette the next day. Due to the graphic nature of the article I have posted the news release concerning the incident on a separate page and have provided a link below. Be warned that this was truely a horrible crime and the news artical is graphic in its content.

 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Artical 

     There is an effort being undertaken to encourage lawmakers to enact a "Children's Bill of Rights". I present the proposal below. I neither advocate nor oppose the effort. It is presented to inform and I leave it to the individual to decide if you wish to support the effort.


Children's Bill of Rights


Declaration I.

Congress Shall allow now law that endangers a child's physical, emotional

or physiological wellbeing.


Declaration II.

Congress shall encourage all states to provide standardized legal representation

of children and their specific issues in legal domestic disputes, regardless of state jurisdiction or residence.


Declaration III.

A child shall be guaranteed an equal voice in determining court ordered visitations

with parents or guardians as well as the continuation of those visits.


Declaration IV.

No Child shall be forced to endure ongoing physical, emotional, or verbal harm

by a parent, guardian or other individual.


Declaration V.

No child shall be forced to return to the care of a parent or legal guardian who has been

convicted of certain civil crimes or any felony, unless they themselves desire it.


Declaration VI.

Accusations by a child concerning ongoing parental misconduct shall be investigated

within twenty-four hours and taken seriously until otherwise proven false.


Declaration VII.

The child physical, emotional and physiological well-being shall be of utmost concern

when determining their possible court testimony against a parent, guardian or other adult.


Declaration VIII.

A child shall have a voice in determining the need for restraining orders

against a parent, guardian or other adult.


Declaration IX.

Reports from doctors, physiologists, social workers and other professionals and paraprofessionals

shall be given the highest priority when determining parental rights, visitations,

and other issues concerning the emotional and physiological well being of the child.


Declaration X.

The rights of all other citizens shall be applied with equal conviction to all children.

Child Abuse Reporting Resources

Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut
Delaware District of Columbia Floridia Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois
Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Lousiana Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota
Ohio Ohlahoma Oregon Pennsylvnia Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota
Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia
Wisconsin Wyoming

Child Abuse Links

 Child Abuse Laws Aren't Protecting Children!   APSAC - The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children
 Welcome to the Children's Bureau   Prevent Child Abuse America Homepage
 History of child abuse, child labor  ODE - Laws Relating to Reporting of Child Abuse
  The Child Abuse Crisis  National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse
 Child Abuse/Neglect Hotline   Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect
  Almanac of Policy Issues: Child Abuse   Child Abuse: Statistics, Research, and Resources
  Fragments - Prevention of Child Abuse and
Domestic Violence and Related Support Services
  Child Abuse: International Child Abuse Network
YesICAN, Working to Break the Cycle of Child Abuse
  National Council On Child Abuse & Family Violence


Posted September 6, 2000