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Encyclopedia of Direct Action

ABOUT THIS ENCYCLOPEDIA This 'encyclopedia' is not a activists guide, such a guide might be considered as 'incitement' in some countries. This 'encyclopedia' covers progressive direct action groups, their campaigns and some of the many tactics that have been (or could be) used by these groups. The information here is given in the spirit of free speech and is not intended to incite ndividuals or groups to commit any acts of physical violence against any living being. Direct action is nothing new, however it is a developing area and as such new groups, campaigns and tactics are evolving all the time. The 'encyclopedia' is a 'living document', growing and expanding all the time. It is created by no specific person and takes contributions from anyone who has something of worth to add. The editor wishes to thank those whom have contributed to improving the 'encyclopedia' - they know who they are. Further contributions are welcome, if you have somthing to add, please do. To make contributions to the 'encyclopedia' without undue danger to yourself, or the editor, please use Pretty Good Privacy. The editors PGP public key is available at the end of the contents page (not shown here). Use the key to encrypt your contribution then Email it with the subject 'FAO the EDA editor' to, who will hopefully pass it on.


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