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Rick and Abby's History

After being presumed dead for several years, Reva Shayne was discovered in an Amish community by Dr. Rick Bauer whenever he visited to help a tractor accident victim. Abigail Blume, Reva's Amish friend, saw Rick and was immediately smitten by the handsome doctor. A childhood illness had left Abigail deaf, and Rick convinced her to come to Springfield to give her an operation to help her terrible migraine headaches. Reva convinced Abby's parents she would protect her, and they agreed to let her go. Rick took Abby under his wing after the operation, but he was not in love with her. He was still pining for his ex-wife, nurse Annie Dutton.
One night, after being rejected by Annie, Rick got drunk and fell into bed with Blake Marler. Blake later discovered she was pregnant, but swore to Rick the twin boys she gave birth to weren't his. Rick finally realized he wanted to start dating Abby, but she was sure she wasn't good enough for him. He took her on a romantic picnic one afternoon, and convinced her to give him a chance. When the new couple announced their plans to her Amish parents, they disowned her. Abby was upset, but decided her life was with Rick now. Blake later admitted that ONE of the twins was Rick's and the other belonged to her husband, Ross, but begged him to keep it to himself. In fear of losing Abby, Rick did so.
After dating for a year, Rick proposed to Abby on the beach one evening in late January. She happily accepted and they made marriage plans. Ecstatic Rick now had a life of his own, Blake threw Rick and Abby an engagement party on Valentine's Day. Rick was called away from the party and to operate on his own son in a medical emergency. Unable to keep it to himself any longer, Rick admitted to Abby that baby Kevin was his son, but begged her forgiveness. She declined. After three months of misery for both of them, Abby finally agreed to forgive Rick.
They began another happy relationship, and after a few months passed, Rick proposed to Abigail once again. Abby said she needed time to think, but before she could eveer give Rick an answer, she was brutally attacked. Rick found an unconcious Abby lying in the arms of his sisters rugged boyfriend in a bad neighborhood and immediately pinned the blame on him. Rick and a medical team at the hospitial brought Abby out of her coma, but Abby couldn't remember whether or not she had been raped. Tests showed she hadn't, but because of her sheltered life, Abby still felt used. Her innoncence had been taken from her, and instead of turning to Rick she began pushing him away.
After a short time, Abby slowly began her recovery and started to move on. Then Roy, her attacker showed up and Abby decided she was going to take him to court. During the trial, Rick presented Abby with two plane tickets to Hawaii and suggested they get married. Abby agreed, but said only AFTER the trial.
Roy got off free on a technicality. As she was leaving the courtroom, without thinking, she pulled a gun from the holster of a nearby cop and shot Roy. Rick tried to save him back at the emergency room, but Roy died. Later, when Abby was in jail, mourning over the reality of what she had done, the Bauers brought her Thanksgiving dinner in her jail cell and convinced her to come home. Abby did. Knowing Abby would inevitably go to trial, Ross resigned as DA to represent Abby. Abby visited Roy's funeral to ask for forgiveness, but Roy's mother refused.
Later Roy's buddies set Reva's house on fire!! Annie helped Abby escape, but it left Rick's sister, Michelle, blind. Ross's brother, Ben, told Abby that if Rick ever wanted to seek custody of his son, he would never get custody while he was still with Abby because she was a "murderer". Abby mentioned this to Rick, but he reassured her they would worry about that when the time came. Later, Abby told Ross that Roy threatened her before she killed him and WSPR got it on tape when they were reporting on the attempted rape trial. Ross began searching for it, knowing it could clear Abby. Ben found it. He offered a plea bargain to Abby, telling her that she could accept it and serve a "short" time of three years, or eighteen months for good behavior. Abby thought about it, and after searching for the tape and being unable to find it, she decided to accept it. She told Rick about her decision, but he wasn't as understanding and argued that he couldn't be away from her that long. Abby stated that if she went to trial and was found guilty she could serve an even longer sentence.
Later that day, Philip was talking with Rick about the whole situation when he got an idea. He went to see Abby. She asked him to make love to her because she wanted to before she went to jail. Rick said he couldn't do it until they did somnething else first. He took her in the car to a local reverend's house, and asked her to marry him. She was reluctant at first, but eventually gave in. He presented her with a gorgeous white gown and they exchanged vows in front of the pastor and his wife. They went back to Abby's apartment and celebrated their marriage by making love for the first time.
The following day, they announced their marriage to Ross, Blake, Phillip, Buzz, and Jenna at company. Phillip proposed a toast, and then Abby announced her decision about the trial to Ross. He tried to convince her to go to trial, but eventually gave in. Abby was sentenced to eighteen months in prison.
Abby met a friend, Selena, who showed her the ropes of living in jail and protected her from the scum bags that put the moves on cop in particular. Both girls plotted to put him in place, especially after he framed Abby, saying she smoked marijuana.
Ben turned over the tape to Blake after they had a close "encounter" in Ben's apartment. Feeling an attraction to Ben, Blake turned the tape over to Ross, and then left town for a while. Although Ross was suspicious of how she got the tape, he turned it over and Abby was permitted to leave jail- scot free.
Rick went to tell Abby the good news, and was shocked when she said she needed to stay in jail one more night. She and Selena were carrying out their plan to get the guard that night. Angry, Rick left saying he would see her the next morning. Abby told the guard she wanted to meet him in a private room that night. He met her and was shocked when every woman he had used was in the room, threatening him. Scared, he confessed that he had abused his power as a cop to use them all. Unbeknowst to him, the head of the department was there, and she heard his confession, and removed his right to be a cop.
Rick picked Abby up and was suprised to hear the real reason why she had wanted to stay. They went home and made love. The next morning, they went to get breakfast and were suprised when Abby's friends were there celebrating her return home. Rick and Abby left abruptly to continue their own private celebration.
About a week later, Lizzie told Philip she had seen "Uncle Rick" at the pond the night Beth's boyfriend, Carl, was murdered. Philip accused Rick of killing Carl and letting Beth take the rap for it. Then they made up when Rick swore he didn't do it. Rick went to the airport to pick up tickets for him and Abby's suprise honeymoon, and spotted Beth and Lizzie leaving town. He called Philip and then stalled them from leaving until he got there. It was later revealed that Lizzie was the killer...
The Bauer barbacue was held, and Rick and Abby discussed the possibility of having children as well as the thought of Rick going after custody of Kevin.
After Blake was shot, Rick visited the boys one day when Holly was keeping them. She was drunk and Rick decided to fight for custody of the boys. Ben warned Rick that he knew something about the twins... and fighting for custody would be a mistake. He later revealed that Rick was NOT the father of Kevin!! Rick got a blood test and, indeed, he was not Kevin's father. He sobbed in Abby's arms and then suggested that they keep the news a secret. Abby couldn't believe it and they argued. However, Rick did tell Ross the truth.

What's next for Rick and Abby??
Rick and Abby's Wedding Album
