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Diablo II:Lord of Destruction

I must admit, ever since the first of the Diablo series first came out, I've been addicted. I first started playing on LAN (Local Area Network) with the rest of my family on the week-ends. I've since discovered Diablo II and bought it the day it came out. When I heard that the expansion pack, Diablo II:Lord of Destruction was going to be released, I went to the nearest retailer and reserved me a copy so I could be sure that I had one.
When my girlfriend, Dotty, and I arrive on the week-ends at my parent's house, we bring our computers, which isn't an easy task. On the week-ends, we have 8 computers running at one time, each, of course, running an instance of Diablo II:Lord of Destruction. I probably shouldn't play the game as much as I do and start working on school work and such, but sometimes, all I need to feel better, is a good game of Diablo II:LoD. If you would like more information on the game and it's purpose, goto and you might or might not be as addicted as I am. Thanks to Blizzard for decreasing my study habits and increasing my game playing habits!! :)
You can play as 7 different characters:

* These characters were added by the expansion pack.
Click on one of the portraits below to view that specific character.

Diablo II Character Map Amazon Assassin Barbarian Druid Necromancer Paladin Sorceress
Amazon | Assassin | Barbarian | Druid | Necromancer | Paladin | Sorceress
All pictures depicted here were taken off of the Blizzard website. All credit is given to them for the creation of these images.