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Hello! I'm Chyna, a 6 year old White German Sheperd! I am new to the Zima family. I used to be their neighbors' dog, but when my original owners moved to Holland, they left me with their neighbors and friends, the Zimas. I am glad I got to stay with them, because I have known them for a long time! They are very nice people! They let me jump on the trampoline with them!

German Sheperds like me have large sized bodies. The average height is 25 inches, and the average weight is 90 pounds. We are very quick learners, and also great watchdogs. Our coats are short and dense. We shed... a lot!

German Sheperds love humans. We can be also trained to guide blind humans, guard, search for something or rescue someone or something. I found a lost cat once. My humans got a reward!

Although we are quick to learn, firm training is required. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, German Sheperds have a history of biting. That doesn't sound at all like me! I am too lovey dovey to bite anyone! I bark a lot though!

The average life span of a German Sheperd is 12 years. We come from Germany (as Crystal would say, "Duh!")

Chyna's Famous Friends

Here she is with Geri Halliwell.

Chyna loved "There's Something About Mary" and was thrilled when she got to meet Cameron Diaz!

Chyna and Drew Barrymore.

Chyna chillin' with Alicia Silverstone.