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We Love Lucy!

We adopted Lucy from an Animal Shelter. They told us she was part Weimaraner and part Staffordshire Terrier with possibly a little Sheperd in her. We think she's part Cutesy Wootsie, part Lovey Dovey, with a pinch of playfulness in her.

LOL. We can't be sure of what Lucy is. They said she came to the shelter as a 7 month old puppy, and she had only been there a week before we adopted her. Dad was kind of afraid that she might be Stafordshire, because that's a kind of Pittbull. But we came to the conclusion that she was very sweet, loving, and gentle... even if she is Pitt.

Baby Madison loves Lucy. Lucy has accidently knocked Maddie down a few times, but Maddie forgets all about it. She gives Lucy lots of hugs! I like to say "Lucy, you got some 'splaining to do!" Just because it's funny.

One time when Fe and I were walking Lucy, we passed by a brick wall with what sounded like a really big dog behind it. Fe decided she was going to keep walking, even though I said the dog could probably jump the wall. We passed that house, and then came to a house that has a big yellow dog (looked like a Pitt) looking over the wall. So we turned around and came face to face with a really, really big dog. I screamed and we calmly walked away. The dog could've easily jumped the wall, but we escaped!

Lucy's Photo Album

Maddie feeding Lucy Baba

Millie keeps her eyes on Lucy

Lucy and Dad

See the likeness? (*lol*)

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