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Hi! My name is Purr, but I answer to anything you call me. Actually, I don't really answer, because I can't hear anything. I'm "deaf."

Who cares? Not me! I'm as playful and skillful as the next cat! I enjoy mouse and bat hunting. I am the best prowler in my family! I have very good behavior, except that I don't know how loud I am and that can be a disturbance in the middle of the night.

I am a persian. My meowmie and daddy were both persians, but my humans don't "breed" me. I get groomed a lot and well cared for, though. I am considered one of the most modern breeds, although we Persians are descended from the Angora. We are the most popular pedigree in the United States. We can appear calm, but hold a strong temper, and desire for affection.

Most Persians have large bodies, round heads, long fur and a long, plume tail. They have a strong bond to one special person, and will probably ignore other members of a family. That sounds just like me. We are highly compatible with children and other pets. Yep, that's me too. I am a persian alright.

I'm a purr-oud memfur of CLAW!

visit my CLAW page!!

Purr's Photo Album





Purr and Dinah
