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Midi palying is "Your Are My Sunshine".

This page is for my "Little Sunshine"

Ty has been thru alot during his first year of life and I would like to share that with yall. And I will keep everyone posted on his condition.

It all started when I took him to his checkup. The Doctor had noticed something was wrong. He listened to his heart and said he had a heart murmur. Ty's aorta valve was too narrow and it wasn't pumping enough blood to his heart.

They monitored him for a few months. I got home and was playing on the computer. I had just gotten offline and I got a phone call from Little Rock Children's Hospital. From the Cardiolgist. The Nurse said we need you to have him down here at 10 am (Which is about a four hour drive). Of course I did what every other Mom would have done. I freaked out.. I called my mom crying and in tears..

I had told her what was said and she said she would go with me. My sister and my Mom met us at our house. Early in the morning. The drive down there for me was very hard. Not knowing what was going to happen to my baby. He was only 6 months old.

After the Doctors looked at him and checked his heart. At first all the Doctor would tell me is that they were gonna have to do surgery. The didn't tell me a whole lot. Until my sis spoke up and said. "Could you please tell and explain to her what is going on." (thanks Kim) By this time I was in tears and on the verge of a breakdown. What the Doctor told me I was not prepared to hear, I don't think any Mom would be prepared for that. She told me they were gonna have to do surgery on the valve before it grew too small and he wasn't gettin any blood to his heart.

The procedure was to go into his heart and aorta valve, with a tube that had a ballon like thing on it. They would then blow the ballon up until it tore the valve so he would get more blood to his heart. This was risky surgery since he was only 6 months old.

We got to where we would stay. We called everyone in our family. As soon as we hung up from my Grandma she called her church and they started a prayer chain for all of us. My oldest sister Becky had done the same thing. We had ppl calling my Grandparents from all over wanting to know how he was and to let us know they were all praying for him. As soon as we got off the phone with my Daddy, him and my Brother-in-law came right down.

That morning we took Ty to the hospital to get him prepared for the surgery. It took three nurses to hold him down to get medicine in him to get him to go to sleep. Okay here comes the hard part for me. We finally got him calmed down and drugged up. I sat in the rocking chair next to the window and sat there and rocked my baby, not knowing anything. I couldn't think, I couldn't do anything but sit there and rock my baby. I rocked him and sang "You are my Sunshine" to him, even though he was drugged he still looked at me and smiled, as to say everything will be okay Mommy.

The doctor came in and went over everything with us again. We walked down to the operating room and they introduced us to all the Doctors and Specialist, and the nurses, basically everyone who would be in the room during the surgery. Leaving my baby in there and walking away from him was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I think my Daddy actually had to hold me up to walk out of the room.

We got a call saying they were gonna start the procedure and they would call us when they were done. It was a lifetime it seemed before we got that call. Of course Daddy helped pass the time with his jokes and we were constantly on the phone keeping relatives and friends informed. We were sittin in the room and they said I had a call, it was about 15 mins later. The Doctor said Jenna, Tyler is doing great. We didn't have to do the surgery. We will have Ty back up to the room in about 30 mins. All I really heard is we didn't have to do the surgery. I was cryin, I hung up the phone and I think he was still talking to me too. I ran in to the waiting room where My Daddy, Mom, Kim, and Darrin were waiting. I said they didn't have to do the surgery!! Everyone was happy you could feel the difference from the tension it was an emotional moment for all us.

We got back to the room it was a long wait although it was only 30 mins before they had brought him back to us on the stretcher. He was just laying there all drugged up still. The nurse brought him to me and I wouldn't let go of him for anything. I had my baby back. The Doctor explained they had gone inside his valve with a camera and realized it wasn't as bad as they had thought.

Ty is doing great now!! He has to see the Cardiologist every 6 months his next appt is Feb. 16th and I will keep everyone posted on what happens. After all this I have realized how precious life is. and how every little second counts. I sing "You are my sunshine" every nite before I lay him down to sleep. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I NEVER could have made it thru that time without my parents and my sister and brother-in-law there. And I know that Ty could have not made it without God watching over him, and his guardian angel. The same goes for me too. Without my guardian angel, (which I trully believe are my parents). I could have not done it. Ty will eventually have to have his aorta valve replaced, and have surgery. We will deal with that when the times comes. In we meaning Family, Guardian Angels and of course God. Thank you sooo much Mom and Daddy for all you did and have done.

Ty's condition is called Aortic Stenosis. It occurs when the aortic valve didn't form properly. A normal valve has three parts (leaflets or cusps), but a stenotic valve may only have one cusp (unicuspid) or two cusps (bicuspid), which are thick and stiff. Today is 01-25-98 and Ty is doing fine other than those 4 shots and that TB skin test he had done today. He is sore but still happy and going strong. Thanks fer visting.

UPDATE: Ty had his appt. with the Cardiologist today. Feb. 16th 1999. The EKG hasn't changed any. But we have to take him to Little Rock on Friday so they can do an Cardiogram. We really won't know a lot till Friday. Stay tuned and I will keep you posted on his condition. Thanks alot.. Jen

UPDATE!! Feb. 19th 1999
Okay we are back from the Children's Hospital, unfortunately I don't have good news. We have to have Ty back down there at 8:30am Friday. They are gonna do a Catheder (sp), which is take a camera inside his heart to take pictures. The Doctor said that his heart has gotten worse since May 15th of 98. If it is as bad as they think then they will have to do the ballon procedure, which means putting a ballon and blowing it up inside his heart to try and tear the valve so more blood can get to his heart.. If that doesn't work they will have to replace the valve.. Please I have never asked and I know most will do this favor for me.. But PLEASE take just 5 mins to say a prayer for Ty.. It would mean so much to all of us.. I will let you know what happened after we get back. Thank you for all of those who have said prayers and that will. Thank you...

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