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Midi palying is "Your Are My Sunshine".
Ty's first page was getting so long I added a second page for him. I will let you know anything I find out as soon as we find it out. Again thanks so much for taking the time to pray for him and us.

Hey yall. it is Thrusday, Feb. 24. 99

I thought I would take this time to tell everyone thanks for all the prayers and letters. When I first did this page I didn't expect to get all this response from it. It has really made me see that there are still good people out there that are willing to help someone they have never met, never seen except maybe a picture. I don't know really how I am feeling right now. I am scared, confused, and worried about my baby.

Without my parents and brother and sisters and the rest of my family I don't think I could have made it this far. We have a very close family and I wish everyone had a close relationship like we do in my family. One person always looking out for the other, and no matter what happens we are ALWAYS there for each other in the end. We are leavin Thurs. to drive down so we can be there Friday morning. I will let everyone know as soon as I get some info. Again thank you soo much for everyone that has said and will say prayers for Ty. He is scheduled to be there at 8:30am Friday so please take just 2 mins to say a prayer for him during that time.. Thanks

UPDATE: February 26, 1999 1:25 P.M.
I just received a call from Jen (Shortee) and Ty did have surgery this morning. All is going very well, they had to insert the balloon in three times, however, Ty is doing good. Jen said that they do expect to be able to bring Ty home tomorrow. She would like to take this time to thank everyone for their prayers and thoughts during this time and I would personally like to thank each of you for your prayers for Ty and his family (which they can still use). Take care and God Bless...Lyn

Update March 13, 1999 from Shortees Mom Once again, we are asking for your prayers for our Tyler. He has come down with some type of infection and was hospitalized on Friday. We know he has RSV, but as I write this, Shortee and Ty are on their way to Ark Childrens Hospital in Little Rock once again. All they have told us is that he has a larger than normal sac of mucos around his heart. They have sent him to Little Rock so his heart specialist there can look the situation over. He has been running a really high fever and his white blood count has been extremely high, which means there is some kind of infection in his blood/system. So once again, please take a small moment to say a prayer for our Tyler and his Mommy..Our on-line family has meant so much to us, thank you so much. Linda (Shortees Mom) I will keep you posted as soon as I hear anything from them.

Updated March 14, 1999
All of our prayers have been answered once again. Tyler had to have fluid drained off of his heart. They removed 4 ounces of fluid from around his little heart, but he is doing really good right now. Thank you all for your prayers..........Mom

~ UPDATE ~ March 15, 1999 ~

I just talked to Jen's parents and Tyler is going to have to stay in the hospital longer ~ not sure how long at this point in time. Sheis going to check and see if she can get him transferred to the local hospital. When Tyler does come home he will come home with an IV in ~ She will need a nurse to come into the home three times a day for approixmately another six weeks to give him antibotics for the RSV from the previous surgery..(Updated Febuary, 1999). Under the circumstances that has just taken place, Jen will have to stay home and be with Ty and give up her job. Ty has a long road ahead of him ~ please keep Ty and his family in your prayers. Take care and God Bless each of you. Thanx ~ Lyn

UPDATE... March 25th 1999

Okay yall we have been back for awhile and I just want to start by saying sorry for not keeping the page updated but as you have read we have been thru alot this past 4 weeks and still have more ahead not quite outta the woods yet... Ty is doing great.. He gets a little aggravated cause it takes his meds 30 mins to go thru the I.V. but he is getting better with it.. It is that 12am wake up that gets to him..

We still have to go back to Little Rock Monday the Docs are gonna do anouther Echocardogram to see if there is any more fluid build up in his heart. I am praying that there isn't I couldn't handle anouther week being away from my parents and I know my Parents couldn't handle anouther week of us being stuck down there..

It was rough down there and it is rough here now with Ty having to have the meds every 6 hours I don't and haven't gotten alot of sleep since we have been back. I want to thank Lyn and my Mom for keeping my page updated while we were gone..

Okay here is the hard part... Ty like I said is doing great. I am hangin in there, it is really hard for me cause Ty wants to get down and play around like he used to "rough house" and I tell him No baby you can't do that.. He justs looks at me and has a sad look in his eyes.. It hurts so bad to see him like this. He is limited to what he can do.. and he is so active it is really hard on all of us.. Sorry can't finish the rest right now. Will try later.. Thanks for all the prayers and letters..


Please go to Granny N Papaws Place ~ Ty's Grandparents Page
and click on GRANNY'S NEWS for the latest update on Tyler. Ty's grandparents will be doing the update now as Jen is too busy with Ty to keep this page updated, so visit them at the link above to see what is happening with Ty.

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