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Grandparents, Nieces & Nephew

This is my nephew Cody. Jeff's little boy he is as sweet and as cute as can be. Don't ask how old he is cause I wouldn't be able to tell ya I have trouble remembering how old Ty is. lol

This is Kayla, Kim's little girl. (one of them) Okay lets see if I can get this one right. If I don't I apoloigize she is 3 years old or will be in June (i think) . She is just a doll.

Last but of course not least This one is Nicole she just turned 4 on Jan 18th. She is alot of fun and she is Grandma's "Little Sunshine" As you can tell we have alot of Sunshine in our family. Oh yeah Nicole is Kim's little girl also. Kim has done a wonderful job at raising her girls.

I have almost got this complete I only have one more picture to get up here but unfortunately my scanner decided to go down along with my printer. 8o( So as soon as I get those fixed I will get the pic of my Grandparents up for yall to see. Thanks for coming to my web site and PLEASE sign my book so I will know who was here and who to thank for looking at it and letting me know how it is or if I need to change anything, replace any broken links, etc. etc. etc. Thanks alot to Lyn, Silk and ACountryVixen for all of yalls help.

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