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"Angels Among Us"
by Alabama

Glad to see you're still following me.
I want to introduce you to my special Angels.

~*~ My Parents ~*~

Mom & Dad

Let's start with my Daddy. He is a wonderful man and has a great sense of humor. Sometimes he gets a little out of hand. 8o) But we still love him. Daddy, no matter how much you think it helps when someone is having an asthma attack it doesn't help to make them laugh. LOL My Daddy has always been good at making a bad situation seem better than it is. He has always been there for me more than he knows. I have learned that I should have listened to him at times when I thought I was right and he was wrong. I wish I could repay my Daddy for all that he has done for me. I wouldn't be where I am today and have all the knowledge I have to today if I hadn't of listened to my Daddy. I love him with all my heart..

Dad & Tyler


My Mom she is like I said the most beautiful person I have ever known. She has always been there for me when I needed her the most. During times in High School that weren't so good. I lost a few friends in High School and during all the times she was always there for me giving me a shoulder to cry on. Always worried how I was handling it. I couldn't of have made it thru those times without her. Thank you Mommy.. She was always there and when Daddy and I had our disagreements, which was quite often. Whenever I need someone to talk to she is always there. I have yet to give her the credit she derves I hope one day I will be able to give her that. Has she not only been there for me she has been there for all of her girls. I too love her with all my heart.

My parents have raised us kids the best they could. Sometimes they thought they had failed, but they hadn't. They helped each of us when we needed it. Even when they said they couldn't they always found some way to help. Often kids don't give their parents the respect they deserve. I have and always will respect my parents. They used to call me their little girl, then I would say I am not a little girl anymore. I have learned I will always be Daddy's Little Girl. That sums it all up and if anyone wants to know what my Daddy wants for Christmas just read my guestbook.. LOL

Visit their site at Granny N Papaws Place.


This is a poem that reminds me of my Mom I would like to share with yall.

Just stop and think a minute as you wonder on your way. If not for her, where would you be, at the lighting of each day. Her day was never ended, "Til way in the nite when she had you all tucked in made sure you were alright. At times she may be cranky, and say mean things to you But, deep within her trusting heart she thinks the world of you. So just take time to think about some thoughts you may possess Just think about of all the long hard years that passed and put to rest Each passing day remember and try not to offend. That women is your mother, you're true and faithful friend.

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