Our Friends,
Supporters, Paying Advertisers, People to Whom We Are Indebted, and Other Assorted
Important Folk
First and Foremost, We would like to thank the endless list of Holy Deities of the
Gerbilist Faith:
-Squeeky I
-Kyla (the Rat Messiah)
-Squeeky II (aka Baby)
-Button (Scary but still Holy
Dwarf Hamster)
-Kate (veritable Goddess of Dwarf Hamsters)
-those other two Hamsters
Hunter Virgo had before Aero whose Holy Names are too Sacred to be uttered (ie. he forget
We would also like to thank our fellow Canadian friends:
Ray, Elizabeth, Pam, Kiera, Devin, Doug, Lindsay, Chris, Jennifer, Annette, all the others whom We have
Other important folk:
Saint Kyle (American-transplated-to-Canada, eh?), Saint Carl (goodly graphics maker, provided us with the niftykeen Church of Gerbil of Canada banner, and
if you even think of uisng it without prior legal permission, Dwarf Hamsters will kill you in your sleep), Saint Sarah (Sister of the Righteous Tangelo, Whore of Ducks, lover of all Scrummy Cheeses), others whom We shall name as soon as We remember...
The truly Enlightened Folks at
Webcounter graciously provided Our counter, and the Holy Folk at
Dreambook provided Our guestbook. The Gerbil approves!!!
And last but not least, the Sacred People at
Angelfire - providing Space for Our Church
without annoying pop-up windows, advertising banners, hidden frames, etc.
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