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The Church of Gerbil of Canada

The Test Results

Our Super-Duper, Top-Of-The-Line, fancy, State-of-the-Art computer system has recorded all of your survey responses, and has determined the following about your strength of faith within [TOTF]:

You have the intelligence of somebody apt to be the CEO of a large multinational corporation. You are respected by friends and neighbours (except, of course, for that crazy guy two houses away who shaves his cat and has a large collection of lawn gnomes... he thinks you are nuts.) Your hygiene skills are impeccable... particularly as far as your feet are concerned.

However, your spiritual life is lacking. Your Gerbilist Faith could use some improvement.

GO, NOW, HEATHEN, and lash yourself 816 times with a cooked piece of spaghetti! (Al dente texture, please.) You will feel better for it. We promise!!

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