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The Band
The Music
Just Push Play 
The Download Site



Aerosmith like their cars. Yessir they do. There are tons of old stories about how trashed the boys were when they were in their cars, but we won't go into that, and of course, a certain drummer decided to deep fry his Ferrari, but that's another story as well. This page is for the Aero Cars, and oh my don't they look goooood?

Aerosmith are the first rock band to sponsor an Indycar. (Note to Brits: Indycar: Think F1 but faster and less polite. Nigel Mansel did it and kicked ass.) The car is run by Heritage MotorSports, a new and pretty promising team. It's Nice to see some positive and unique advertising to support Just Push play. The Screamin' Tyler on the front was originally drawn for a merchandise guitar pick, and the car had its debut on May the 27th, finishing 24th (the worst for Heritage yet, I'm afraid), with appearances scheduled for every race till the end of the season.

In November 1999 Kenny Wallace raced the car below at the Duralube 500 and came 18th (Quite good - better than half way up the rankings). I thought the name was quite funny, but apparently loads of stuff in America sounds like a pack of condoms. HoHum, better than us Brits having Best Mates I suppose.