This page exists as a gathering place for those who consider themselves "Alert Readers." (Definition Of "Alert Reader") My hope is that we can all gather and exchange information here.
Yes, I am, in fact, talking about all of those articles we send in about eating bugs, exploding animals, the U.S. Congress and so on. We usually send these journalistic tips right to Dave. Not that you shouldn't send them to Dave! I just want to gather them here as well, because everyone knows Dave's only got so much space each week, and he just can't write about all the award-winning stories we scrounge up.
My ultimate dream is that someday we'll get enough people sending stories to this page that Dave won't have to read any mail at all. He'll be able to just get his mail right off my page. Why, exactly, I want to set myself up as an indirect mail service to make Dave's life easier is unclear, but I'm sure he'd agree it's a great idea.