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 everyone! As I have promised, I have create a new page for my collection of animated cat gifs.

All the animated gifs are for you, all I ask is for you to

Sign in my guestbook, ok? Click now to sign in….thanks!!!


I am a fanatic over animations and I have collected a lot through surfing the net .... Now I would like to share with you all these animated toons do not have to download them like in the other web pages, what you have to do is just right click mouse button and choose Save As .... This will save it to your harddisk. Enjoy yourself here.


This page consists only CATS toons, for the other toons, look for the links at the bottom.



For my page 2 of Animated Cat Gifs, click at the button below


To see my other collections of animated gifs, click at

The button below to go back to my main page!!!

And if you want to drop me a message, you can email me!!!

And if you want to tell me your comments about my page, do sign in my guest book..its at my counter..Thank U!

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 Created by Alice Ong Lustrata© January 1999