It all starts with VH1 FanClubs, I emailed them to enter. I never thought I'd even get a reply. I was wrong. To make a long story short they replied to my email, then they called, then they set up an interview before the Boston show August 8th. Boy was I excited!
Fast forward to August 8th...we (me, my dad and my friend Melissa) have to get to the Fleetcenter early. We got there around 4PM. We wait...and wait...and wait. Im nervous. Im about to pass out or puke or both. My dad called the VH1 people on the cell phone about a gazillion times. We waited like 3 1/2 hours! But finally the VH1 guys come with cameras and mics and a guy asking questions and we're filmed! WHOOOO! HI MUM! IM ON TV! Then when we get ready to go inside and my dad said "Well I guess we're not gonna meet AC/DC" cuz we were all hoping that VH1 would get us backstage cuz one of the producers I talked to on the phone had mentioned "a possible meet-and-greet with the band" and as we're going through the door, one of the VH1 guys stops us and tells us he's gonna get us backstage passes for after the concert! He wrote down where we were sitting and said he'd bring them to us as soon as he got them. So Im in shock - IM GOING TO MEET AC/DC! We finally get in the Fleetcenter. We buy snacks cuz we were hungry and thirsty from all that waiting, and I buy my souviners. We find our seats - we missed almost all of Slash's Snakepit (who cares? I was there to see...and meet AC/DC) We sat there and watched AC/DC's crew set up the stage and the VH1 guy comes up and hands us all backstage passes. Everyone around us started oohing and ahhing and calling us VIP. Then the concert started...Angus came out on stage. My first glance of my idol, my inspiration, that cute li'l Scottish guy in the school uniform whose face is plastered on my wall and my website, one of the greatests guitarists alive, and I screamed at the top of my lungs hysterically with tears running down my cheeks. It was the most beautiful moment of my life. Great show. Loud and rocking. AC/DC is THE BEST live!
Near the end of the show, I half wanted it to end so I could go meet the band, but the other half wanted to keep rocking. But all good things come to an end. The cannons fired a final time and Brian Johnson said "We salute you Boston! Good night!" and the lights came on. I immediately got my backstage pass out and stuck it onto my tshirt and we went where we were instructed to go to get backstage. We're led into this locker room and the VH1 guy tells us the band'll be ready in 40 minutes. Im shaking with anticipation. Wel we wait, and then AC/DC come in, a few members at a time. Brian and Phil were the first to come in. Everone was standing in a semi-circle and Phil started at one end and Brian started on the other and they went around taking pictures and signing stuff. Brian gave me a kiss on the cheek, and my best friend Melissa got a hug from Phil (Phil is her most favourite member). When Phil hugged her, Brian said "Hey Phil, stop squeezing the tart!" Melissa said "Should I be offended or flattered?" Melissa wanted her picture taken with Phil and I was about to take one of just them but Phil told me to get in it too. My poor dad didnt get any pictures taken with the band. Then Cliff came in. I told him he was the best bassist in the world and he said I was sweet and kissed me on the cheek. Wow...I was so in shock that i was meeting the band i forgot half of what happened. Melissa said to me "I cant believe Brian Johnson kissed you" and I replied "He did?!" OK then the biggie: IN STEPS ANGUS! ANGUS! THE ANGUS MCKINNON YOUNG TO WHOM THIS WEBSITE'S DEDICATED TO! Of course he starts on the other end of the waiting and Im about to pass out. He comes to me...he hugs Melissa first! Im jealous (I love him more!) but then I give him a card - I had found this card at the party store my friend works at and it was perfect for Angus. I told him "this is for you" and he goes "for me? so i can keep it?" and i said "yeah it's a card" and he made fun of my Boston accent and said "a cahd?" I didnt catch that i was so in shock but Melissa told me about it later. Then he began to open it and said "it's not gonna blow up on me is it?" and i said "of course not!" and he opened the card and read it OUTLOUD IN FRONT OF THE VH1 CAMERAS!!!!! The card said "Scrumptious Buns" on the front with a little cartoon guy mooning and on the inside was a poem:
I hear you're kinda clever
And you earn massive sums
I like your personality
But I love your scrumptious buns
and Angus read this outloud! I was shocked! I was happy! I didnt know what to think! Then I hugged him...and when I hugged him, I reached down...and...SQUEEZED HIS BUTT!!!! Yes, my fellow Anguslovers, I did what every Angusloving female only dreams of doing. Oh it was the most perfect butt I ever squeezed. It was just as I imagined it, small, firm, perfect, lovely, squeezable. When I squeezed him he went "OOH!" he was surprised, but I think he liked it! :)~ Then me and Melissa got our pictures taken with him. He is so photogenic. He was taking pictures with everyone in the room. He took 2 with us, cuz the flash didn't go off the first time and Angus said "Let's take another one in case that one doesn't come out" Both came out, but one of 'em's darker. Then Melissa asked Malcolm if the band watches wrestling (we're both wrestling fans and have been wondering since the Saturday Night Live episode with the Rock) and Mal said they watch it regularly now and he asked us who our favourite wrestlers were. Then he added "The Rock's into politics now" he must've seen or hear about the Rock at the republican convention. And of course, I got all their autographs! It was so great to be kissed by Brian and Cliff, take pictures with Phil and Ang, squeeze Angus, and talk about wrestling with Malcolm. What a night!!
These are some pics from after the concert. We took these to use up the rest of the film. I put 'em up here just for the hell of it:
There, I finally got the pics up! Told ya I would! Did you enjoy them?
Another AC/DC addict -- er -- fanatic -- I mean afficionato sent in pics and his story of meeting AC/DC. Click the link to read when Jason met AC/DC
If you've met AC/DC and wanna share your story and/or pics, e-mail me I Met AC/DC! and I'll put it here!