ARA Links & Chapters
We have included these links so that you can find a chapter in your area.
ARA Network Homepage

ARA Canada
Montreal AAR

Columbus ARA
Minneapolis ARA
Central NY ARA
Northern NJ ARA
Norfolk VA ARA
Toronto ARA
ARA Mercer PA
Macomb ARA
ARA Syracuse NY
ARA Mississippi
Central Jersey ARA
Aberdeen, SD ARA
A complete listing of ARA chapters can be found at the ARA Network Homepage - see link above. Montreal and ARA Canada also have a pretty extensive list on their websites.
ARA Chicago
1573 N. Milwaukee
Chicago, IL 60622
ARA Rockford
P.O. Box 1283
Rockford, IL 61105-1283
Muncie ARA
P.O. Box 2563
Muncie, IN 47307
ARA Southern Indiana
P.O. Box 612
Charleston, IN 47111
ARA Frankfort
P.O. Box 221
Frankfort, IN 46041
ARA Northwest Indiana
P.O. Box 611
Whiting, IN 46394-0611
voicemail 219.717.2270
ARA Louisville
P.O. Box 4964
Louisville, KY 40204
502 485 0410
Action Anti-Raciste/Anti-Racist Action Montréal
#8, 414 Mont Royal Est
Montréal, Quebec, Canada
H2J 1W1
ph: (514) 573-STOP (514.573.7867)
e-mail: aramontreal@hotmail.com