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Why is South Bend ARA so involved
in gay & lesbian rights education?

This is one of the questions most asked of us. We didn't realize that it would be an issue - in fact, we're surprised that people didn't already know the answer. But, to clarify, the reasons are:

Oppression is oppression - and it's all stupid. Any organization that believes in eliminating racism, sexism, anti-semitism and other forms of oppression would be hypocritical if it believed in the oppression of gays & lesbians. We're not saying you have to be gay, have gay friends or even approve of their "lifestyle". What we ARE saying is that you need to respect their rights as people.

We had planned to figure out a long explanation about this, but we realized that it's just not necessary.
We were going to include all of the great facts and scientific discoveries that show why being homosexual is just as natural as being heterosexual. But the most important reason can be summed up in two sentences.

Gay, lesbian, bisexual & transgendered people are human. And they deserve the same rights as other humans.

If anyone would like further clarification of this, or learn all the cool science, feel free to contact us.

This graphic is here just because Sharon thinks it's cute.....

Thanks to Gillyboo's Gay Graphics