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& Contact Info for Other Organizations

This is just a brief glimpse in to the world of information that you can find.
If we haven’t provided you with the contact info for the specific group you’re looking for, feel free to contact any of the organizations below.
Many of these groups have resources, information, and website links that can help you.

Stop The Hate

Hate Is NOT a Family Value

Amnesty International

I Hate Hate

B’Nai B’Rith


Stanford Project

Anti-Defamation League

Artists Against Racism


Nizkor Project

Refuse & Resist



Jay’s Leftist Resources


Southern Poverty Law Center

People Against Racist Terror

National Lawyers Guild

Progressive Student Alliance
University of Notre Dame

Office of Cultural Diversity
Indiana University at South Bend

Social Action Project

Tolerance Project

Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith
823 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017
(212) 490.2525
15 Hove Street
Downsview, ON M3H4Y8
(416) 633.6224

Break The Silence:
Coaltion Against Anti-Asian Violence

PO Box 2165
San Francisco, CA 94126
(415) 982.2959

Center for Democratic Renewal
PO Box 50469
Atlanta, GA 30302
(404) 221.0025
Midwest Office:
PO Box 413767
Kansas City, Mo 64141.3767
(816) 421.6614

Coalition for Human Dignity
PO Box 40344
Portland, OR 97240
(503) 281.5823

Community United Against Violence
514 Castro St
San Francisco, CA 94114
(415) 864.3112

Teach Tolerance
Southern Poverty Law Center

PO Box 548
Montgomery, AL 36101.0548
(205) 264.0268

The National Gay & Lesbian Task Force/
Anti-Violence Project

1734 14th St, NW
Washington DC 20009.4309
(202) 332.6483

National Intstitute Against Prejudice and Violence
31 South Greene St
Baltimore, MD 21201
(301) 328.5170

Neighbors Network
1544 Piedmont Ave #73
Atlanta, GA 30324
(404) 257.5550

North Carolinians Against Racism
and Religious Violence

PO Box 240
Durham, NC 27702
(919) 688.5965

People Against Racist Terror
PO Box 1990
Burbank, CA 91507
(310) 288.5003

Canadian Council for Racial Harmony
PO Box 190
Station J
Toronto, ON M4J4Y1

Center for Research-Action on Race Relations
#220, 1650 Berri
Montreal, PQ H2L 4E6
(514) 843.3892

Multiculturalism and Citizenship Canada
Ottawa, ON K1A 0M5
(819) 997.0055