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ARA South Bend
Online Newsletter
In 1997, when we first started, we thought it would be a great idea to put out a monthly newsletter. And it was.
We started publishng in the summer of 1998. As we grew, so did our readership and the size of the newsletter. Consequently, so did the expense of putting out the newsletter.

In the spring of 1999, we decied that it was just too expensive to put out the newsletter, and we started putting our stuff on-line. About a year later, we got our rantings into a local zine called Liquid Magazine. Many thanks to Bill and Fowler for the space in there.

We're attempting to get those monthly columns on-line, along with all the back issues of our newsletter.
stay tuned

Just like before, we'll put it in basic black type on a white background, so when they're here, feel free to print out any part you want.

Here's a link to the only effort we had towards getting a regular on-line newsletter.
The info may be old, but it's still accurate.
Nov '99

Stay tuned for more to come...