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to all the supporters and sympathizers and people who’ve just generally given a damn over the years!

Obviously, their views and opinions are theirs and theirs alone - ARA does not necessarily endorse (or encourage) them. We just thank them for their time, effort and encouragement!

First, to those who've gone before us and provided us with inspiration: we say the biggest thank you. It is from your teachings that we continue to grow. And it is from your examples that we continue the fight.

In no partcular order:

Garth & all who’ve passed through the halls of Plinko Manor

da 62nd Quickies (RIP)
midwest ska-puke

Bill & Fowler at
Liquid Magazine

The Ninjas
Plinko Manor punk assassins (RIP)

the Connerys (RIP)
midwest ska-punk

the Urinal Mints
new improved gutter filth includes flouride!

Carla & RANT! zine

Eric @ Kritikal Resistance distro

BC & Cik & Black Cat’s

Sgt. Kabuki
straight up punk!

the Mighty Mighty Bosstones
for the shout out on the live CD

The St. Joe Valley Project

Paw Paw John:
thanks for the capital

Eric D & the ill-fated Ground Zero

& the Indiana Skalendar

The Michiana Underground
& it’s new ownership

the Midwest Show Listing

Heavy Step
Ft Wayne, IN ska (FKA Skavossas)

Punk Propaganda

Queer SHARPskin

South Bend Coaltion Against Racism

Born Rude

Padraig the Goose:
Thanks for all the great skinhead info

Rudeboy’s Page O’ Ska

Bosstones fan page

Food Not Bombs
Elgin, IL

Logan’s Loss
Chicagoland emo-skacore

Beat Hotel Records
Berkeley, MI

Chronic Chaos
midwest new-school punx

Kill You For A Dollar Records
Grand Rapids, MI

Northern Indiana Punk

Say Cheese!
Indiana Punk Listing


Uncle Lee Lee
with the Flashdance Dumplin page!

Nancy Sulok & Will Emerson
at the South Bend Tribune

the understanding staff at our local Kinko’s
who for the sake of avoiding future legal problems don’t have a link here