BIDAS was founded at 1975 in province of Bursa , Kestel as the biggest and most modern Cold Store in Turkey.
In 1982, BIDAS had started the production of Frozen Fruits and Vegetables with the method of Static Freezing,for exportation.
In 1991, as addition to Static Freezing system the Individual Quick Freezing (IQF) Unit was added.
In 1995,the second and in 1998, third IQF units were added and the total production capacity is increased to 100 tons of product per day.
BIDAS has a Frozen Storage Capacity of 35.000 m3 and Production Capacity of 10.000 tons per annum.These figures carry BIDAS to the first row, among the other Frozen Food Companies in TURKEY.

80 % of the production is being exported to EUROPE, and remaining quantity is being sold in Domestic Market through our sister company MELSAR, with KALITAT Brand.

One of our target is increasing the quantity of our Organic Frozen Products.
The volume of organic products planned to reach 10% of our total production.

Quality Policy is attributed with ISO 9002 and HACCP (Hazardous Analysis of Critical Control Points) Systems in which, all the stages of the production have been documented.
The production of the vegetables in the fields are being controlled as well.That is what we have called Integrated Crop Management.In near future, all our purchased materials are programmed to be produced by the contracts,with the farmers.So in case of a claim , we are able to go back (up to the farmer) and check the source of the claim with our System of Tracebility.
We are able to do all the Physical and Microbiological Analysis of the Water we are using,the Raw Material and the Finished Pruduct in our Laboratory on site and the Pesticide Residue Analysis in official laboratories.

To make appropriate production
according to the required standarts and laws,
with the highest efficiency
by evaulating the ideas and recommendations of our personnel as a team
to present reliable products to satisfy our customers...

Our Stand at FI Europe 2001 /ExCel-London

Last updated : Sunday, March 23, 2025

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