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Photos / Fotograflar

Below pictures belong to the town of Gemlik (Kios) photographed in two different periods.
Black&White photographs belong to the years 1920-1950,coloured photographs belong to the years 1990-2000.

Two pictures from different periods were put together to show what had happened to Kios throughout the years.

Asagidaki resimler Gemlik’in (Kios) iki ayri zaman dilimi icinde cekilmis olan fotograflaridir.
Siyah&Beyaz fotograflar 1920-1950 yillarina,renkliler ise 1990-2000 yillarina aittirler. Ilerleyen yillarin, Gemlikte ne gibi degisimler yarattigini goruntulemek icin, her iki doneme ait resimler yanyana konulmustur.

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Kios / Gemlik
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