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My Roses

Roses have always been so pretty to me.
I would love to have a yardfull for people to see!

Roses are beautiful flowers and I believe every beautiful person deserves a rose to start their day!!!

The Rose is called the queen of flowers and has been growing for millions of years.

The Resurrection flower, also known as the Rose of Jericho, is believed to have first bloomed at the Birth of Christ, and to have closed its blooms at the time of the Crucifixion, only to reopen at the time of the Resurrection.

The Rose is the emblem of beauty. Symbols of Love & Friendship.

Rose Color Meanings

RED Love, passion, respect, courage

WHITE Innocence, Purity, Secrecy

YELLOW Joy, Friendship

CORAL Desire

LIGHT PINK Grace, Gladness, Joy

DARK PINK Thankfulness

LAVENDER Love at first sight, Enchantment

ORANGE Fascination

"Beneath the cold damp ground it lies
Waiting for the sun to rise
As the warming rays on all beat down
A sprout appears its thorny crown
To all the world the bud unfolds
And reveals the beauty of the Rose
A Flower, A Beginning"
by: Charlotte Elrod-Hardin copyright@1985

I don't know whether nice people
tend to grow roses...
or growing roses
makes people nice

-Roland Browne

Go Here to a Beautiful Poem

Click Here for A Rose SlideShow

Click Here for Velvet Petals

Click Here for More Roses

Thanks Pokey!

A Valentine Day gift fom Pokey!

Thanks again Pokey!

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