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~A Poem I Wrote About My Dad~

"Favorite Possesion"

I drove by the old house today,
thinking back on memories...
of when I grew up as a child,
and the way it use to be.

One thing sticks out in my mind,
as my thoughts wonder back there...
of my Daddy's old pocket watch,
and his pant's pocket... I always saw him wear.

He had it cleaned every year...
on a chain he wore it tucked away.
It was an old Hamilton RR watch,
and it still ticks to this day.

It would have been that watch...
if you had ask him what he like most of all.
His most treasured possesion,
and the prettiest watch I ever saw!

They passed it down to him,
when his Daddy died in '33.
When my Daddy died in '69,
they passed it down to me.

The old watch is still ticking,
as I sat here with it in my hand.
Getting close to 100 years old...
and my favorite possesion I ever had.

My Dad was a special person,
he loved to sit and tell old stories.
Sherlyn,Nita,and I would sit by his side....
my sister Betty on his knee.

He's been gone now a very long time,
3 generations this watch has ticked...
and soon I will pass it on down the line.

To Angie my daughter, 4th generation,
and it will be her favorite possesion,
just like it has been mine.

İBarbara October 2001

My Dad

A final tidbit about my Dad.
(And we kids always thought
it was soooo much fun!)
In the 50's and we lived
at the bottom of a hill.
We always had a special game
we'd play.
He would turn the Engine off
at the top of the hill
and we'd see if we could coast Home.
And we always made it...:-))

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