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My Thanksgiving Page 2001

A Poem I wrote to my niece Crystal

Each morning I get up,
and the first thing I do....
is get on the WebTV,
and send a card to you.

Before school, the first thing you do....
is open your card,and send me an e-mail or two.
You ask if I'm on....
I always say yes.
Each morning we ask the same questions,
I must confess!

I ask did you like your card,
you always say yes....
You ask to come over after school...
unless you have something else important to do.

I remind you to "Be good at School"
and learn as much as you can.
Be nice to the kids
and the teachers too!

Crystal is 8.....
she was born on Thanksgiving Day.
Red hair and a Turkey for sure, I'd say!

"Hugs" Aunt Barb.

Thanks Carolyn!

(I also at this time would like to Thank God and The Pilgrims and The American Indians for Our Country.
I also want to thank all of you in Lady Eagle's Nest Group for being so nice and friendly! I felt like I fit in from the start. :-) And I am enjoying being "Chick of the Month" also.)

My neice Crystal wrote this below.
She will be 10 years old Nov. 28th.

a note i wrote about thanksgiving
thanksgiving is good thanks to god for all the things he has set out to the world for people like us and others in heaven ,other wise he loves, cares, and is as bright hearted as he can be.
Even though he and the devil ties up a lot he still gets through.
ThanksGiving is also to give thanks to god for giving his life to us. and also he passed away just for us so we should give thanks to him for that also the reason he passed away is because he wanted us to take over for him and to love him as much as he loves us
thanks crystal
forward this to atleast ten people and god will answer your thangs that you wish for each and every day
start going to church yall
(note) Crystal was born on Thanksgiving Day in 1991.)

Thanks Caroline!

Thanks Unk!

A Poem I Wrote for Thanksgiving

On Thanksgiving...
my family gather.
Bring a dish...
What? It doesn't matter.

Except for me...
they care what I take! :-)
They'll call me for days,
asking me certain things to make.

One will want a Peach Cobbler,
another will want a paticular Pie.
I always say okay...
hang the phone up and smile.

Getting busy cooking...
I try to please them all,
with Pies, Cakes, and Cobblers,
and as good as they ever saw.

It makes my Thanksgiving happy,
and I fix whatever they ask for when they call.
It's this one time of year...
I try to please them all.

© Barbara November 2001

Thanks FancyLadyRider!

Thanks PokeyMom!

Another gift from Carolyn
Thanks Carolyn!

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